He___________ score 100 on this coming test.
aims to
aim to
have to
adds to
【单选题】 John’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he ____ last night.
①  must study
②  should have studied
③  must have studied
④  is sure to study
【单选题】 Mary’s score on the test is the highest in her class; she _____ have studied very hard.
①  may
②  should
③  must
④  ought to
【多选题】 He___________ to develop his ability.
①  wants
②  hopes
③  is eager
④  causes
【单选题】 We will have a term test [填空] two days
①  for
②  at
③  in
④  after
【多选题】 A: Is he coming?B: I_________ so.
①  think
②  believe
③  hope
④  follow
【单选题】 She asked me ?[填空]he was coming the next day.
①  who
②  that
③  which
④  whether
【单选题】 A: Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! B: [填空]. This is not the end of the world.
①  Good job
②  Cheer up
③  Go ahead
④  Thats a pity
【单选题】 If he_____the storekeepers scissors,he would have forgotten to buy a pair.
①  would not see
②  had not seen
③  having not seen
④  has not seen
【单选题】 8.______ your request for a make-up test, we have referred the matter to the school authority.
①  For the purpose of
②  With regard to
③  In view of
④  In accordance with
【单选题】 He didn’t have the book ____________ I wanted.
①  what
②  \
【单选题】 下列与前牙反形成无关的替牙障碍是()
①  多数乳磨牙早失
②  上颌乳切牙滞留
③  乳尖牙磨耗不足
④  上颌乳磨牙早失
⑤  上颌乳切牙早失
【单选题】 后牙反牙合的可能病因不包括()
①  乳磨牙早失或滞留
②  后牙区拥挤
③  单侧咀嚼
④  唇腭裂
⑤  前牙反牙合
【单选题】 邻面去釉矫治一般单侧去除邻面釉质厚度为()
①  0.1mm
②  0.25mm
③  0.5mm
④  1.0mm
⑤  1.5mm
【单选题】 用于矫治单侧后牙反牙合或锁牙合的矫治器是()
①  单侧牙合垫矫治器
②  上下颌平面式牙合垫矫治器
③  舌习惯矫治器
④  霍利保持器
⑤  口外牵引矫治器
【单选题】 多数后牙反牙合的可能危害有()
①  影响咀嚼功能
②  影响面部发育,可能造成颜面左右不对称
③  影响面部发育,可能造成凹面型或长面型
④  影响颞下颌关节
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 正畸矫治深覆牙合的方法不包括()
①  平面导板
②  摇椅形弓丝配合Ⅱ类牵引
③  多用途弓压低下前牙
④  J形钩高位牵引或微种植体压低上下前牙
⑤  后牙高嵌体
【单选题】 下列不是深覆牙合原因的是()
①  下颌顺时针旋转生长
②  后牙萌出不足
③  下切牙过长
④  下颌功能性后缩
⑤  前牙槽高度发育过度
【单选题】 取印模、灌注印模时间取决于()
①  水粉比例
②  调拌时间
③  印模材料
④  室温
⑤  技师感觉
【单选题】 印模制作过程中水粉的调和时间为()
①  10-15秒
②  15-20秒
③  20-30秒
④  30-45秒
⑤  45-60秒
【单选题】 我国各大口腔医院制取印模的工作是由()完成的
①  牙医助理
②  护士
③  医师
④  相关机构
⑤  不统一