下列各项中,属于所有者权益项目的有(  )。
【判断题】 所有者权益是指企业所有者对企业净资产的要求权。包括投入资本(实收资本)、资本公积、留存收益(盈余公积、未分配利润)
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列各项中,属于资本公积来源的有()。
①  盈余公积转入
②  直接计入所有者权益的利得
③  资本溢价或股本溢价
④  从企业实现的净利润提取
【多选题】 下列各项中,属于所有者权益类科目的有?
①  实收资本
②  盈余公积
③  利润分配
④  本年利润
【多选题】 下列各项中,属于资本公积来源的有(  )。
①  盈余公积转入
②  股本溢价
③  资本溢价
④  从企业实现的净利润提取
【判断题】 长期资本是企业全部借款与所有者权益的合计。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 所有者权益按其主要来源包括投资者投入的实收资本、资本公积、其他综合收益、盈余公积、一般风险准备和未分配利润。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 以下属于所有者权益项目的有(  )。
①  资本公积
②  实收资本
③  盈余公积
④  未分配利润
【多选题】 (多选)属于所有者权益项目的有( )。
①  盈余公积
②  未分配利润
③  所得税费用
④  资本公积
【多选题】 下列属于所有者权益科目的有(  )。
①  实收资本
②  留存收益
③  资本公积
④  盈余公积
【多选题】 以下属于负债和所有者权益项目的有(  )。
①  在建工程
②  应付账款
③  长期借款
④  资本公积
【单选题】 Ill go out for a walk after supper if it____ rain.
①  didnt
②  wont
③  isnt
④  doesnt
【单选题】 Jean Wagner’s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it ____ in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.
①  is to be analysed
②  has been analysed
③  be analysed
④  should have been analysed
【单选题】 We feel it is high time that the Government ____ something to check the inflation.
①  did
②  do
③  should do
④  would do
【单选题】 She was teaching me ____ you would teach a younger child to speak the language.
①  the way
②  in the way
③  a way
④  to the way
【单选题】 You should have put the milk into the icebox, I expect it ____ undrinkable.
①  became
②  had become
③  has become
④  becomes
【单选题】 The students expected there ____ more reviewing classes before the final exams.
①  is
②  being
③  have been
④  to be
【单选题】 You should have your eyes tested every year in case the ____of your spectacles need changing.
①  lenses
②  glasses
③  sights
④  crystals
【单选题】 As the train will not leave until one hour later, we ____ grab a bite at the snack bar.
①  may well
②  just as well
③  might as well
④  as well
【单选题】 ____ money, she is quite rich. However, this does not mean that she is happy.
①  Concerning
②  As to
③  In terms of
④  In the light of
【单选题】 She always put her medication on the top of the shelf lest the children ____ it by mistake.
①  took
②  should take
③  had taken
④  would take