24.In those days all the work had to be done ___hand.
【单选题】 It was not until she had finished all her work_____.
①  did she return
②  that she returned
③  when she returned
④  that did she return
【单选题】 That’s all prepared. It _______done more.
①  shouldn’t
②  mustn’t be
③  dont need to be
【单选题】 Jack was ill and had to ____ in bed for six days.
①  sleep
②  stay
③  keep
④  lay
【填空题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[sell out; in other words; consist of; stand for; rely on; demand for; engage in; at hand; yield to; confront with]2. I soon found that someone else had already done the work I was doing.[填空1],I was wasting my time.
【单选题】 We solved the problem by using a computer rather than ____ it all by hand.
①  to do
②  do
③  does
④  having done
【单选题】 The millions of circulations involved, _____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 The millions of calculations involved, ____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 The millions of circulations involved, _____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 After the student was praised for what he had done, he said:“ I______ even better under harder conditions. ”
①  had done
②  did
③  would have done
④  would do
【单选题】 The authors great work has had a profound ( ) on me.
①  effect
②  assurance
③  confidence
④  evidence
【单选题】 下列税种,实行超率累进税率的是()
①  房产税
②  车船税
③  土地增值税
④  个人所得税
【单选题】 某酒厂(增值税一般纳税人) 2020年1月销售粮食白酒12000斤,不含税售价为5元/斤,随同销售的包装物取得含税收入6200元;本月销售礼品盒6000套,不含税售价为300元/套,每套包括粮食白酒2斤、单价80元,干红酒2斤、单价70元。该酒厂1月应纳消费税( )元
①  483000
②  390000
③  385059.83
④  391097.35
【单选题】 非居民企业取得的下列所得中,应当计算缴纳企业所得税的是( )
①  国际金融组织向中国政府提供优惠贷款取得利息所得
②  国际金融组织向中国居民企业提供优惠贷款取得利息所得
③  外国政府向中国政府提供贷款取得利息所得
④  外国金融机构向中国居民企业提供商业贷款取得利息所得
【多选题】 下列消费品,属于消费税征税范围的有( )
①  果木酒
②  药酒
③  调味料酒
④  黄酒
【单选题】 下列关于车辆购置税的计税依据的陈述,不正确的是?
①  纳税人自产自用应税车辆的计税价格,按照纳税人生产的同类应税车辆的销售价格:确定,不包括增值税税款
②  纳税人进口自用应税车辆的计税价格,为关税完税价格加上关税和消费税
③  纳税人购买自用的应税车辆,以纳税人支付的全部价款(包括增值税税款)为计税依据
④  纳税人购买自用的应税车辆,计税价格=全部价款-(1+增值税税率或征收率)
【单选题】 下列关于关税完税价格的说法,正确的是()
①  进口货物应当以成交价格为完税价格
②  完税价格不包括进口环节缴纳的各项税金
③  如果买卖双方有特殊关系,只能以成交价格确定完税价格
④  完税价格包括进口货物在境内运输途中发生的运费和保险费
【单选题】 下列关于车辆购置税申报与缴纳的说法,正确的是()
①  车辆购置税的纳税义务发生时间为纳税人购置应税车辆的当目
②  购买已缴纳车辆购置税的旧机动车自用也要缴纳车辆购置税
③  车辆购置税的纳税地点是销售应税车辆的4S店所在地
④  免税车辆不需要办理车辆购置税申报手续
【单选题】 A基金在我国境外某群岛注册并设置总部,该群岛系低税率地区。香港B公司和浙江C公司在浙江签约设立杭州D公司,其中B公司占95%的股权,后D公司获杭州公路收费权。F公司在该群岛注册成立,持有B公司100%的股权。随后,A基金通过认购新股方式获得了F公司26%的股权,多年后又将该股权转让给境外M上市公司。M公司对外披露其实际收购标的为D公司股权。经查,A基金、F公司和M公司均不从事实质性经营活动,F公司股权的转让价主要取决于D公司的估值。对此,根据我国税法,下列哪项说法是错误的?
①  A基金系居民企业
②  D公司系居民企业
③  A基金应就股权转让所得向我国税务机关进行纳税申报
④  如A基金进行纳税申报,我国税务机关有权按照合理方法调整其应纳税收入
【单选题】 根据《税收征收管理法》中延期缴纳税款制度的规定,下列表述中正确是()
①  批准的延期期限内加收滞纳金
②  延期缴纳税款必须经县级税务机关批准
③  延期缴纳的同一笔税款不得滚动审批延
④  延期缴纳税款的期限最长不得超过30天
【单选题】 某企业因计算错误,未缴税款累计达50万元。关于该税款的征收,下列哪个选项是错误的?
①  税务机关可追征未缴的税款
②  税务机关可追征滞纳金
③  追征期可延长到5年
④  追征时不受追征期的限制