A British man who ____ to play practical jokes ____ his own humorous art work in four major New York museums over the last two weeks.
【单选题】 That man alone over there – who is he?
①  He is a student
②  He is Doctor Took
③  A driver, I suppose
④  He’s drunk
【单选题】 Was it until the1990s ____ the old man finally got a house of his own?
①  when
②  that
③  which
④  how
【单选题】 He is a man who always makes his promises [] who never keeps them.
①  or
②  and
③  but
④  so
【单选题】 You _____ her in her office last Friday, she’s been out of town for two weeks.
①  needn’t have seen
②  must have seen
③  might have seen
④  can’t have seen
【单选题】 The young man ______ the charm of his new colleague, a blonde from England.
①  took a chance
②  threw a book at
③  fell victim to
④  comply with
【单选题】 Marlin is an independent man who is not about _____ on his parents any more.
①  having relied
②  to rely
③  relying
④  to have relied
【单选题】 26. It was _____ great shock to the world that two airplanes crashed into _____ World Trade Centre in New York on Sept.11.
①  a;/
②  the;the
③  a;the
④  /;the
【单选题】 The new apartment built a few months ago is large enough to _____ over two hundred people.
①  contain
②  provide
③  reside
④  accommodate
【单选题】 I liked to play games years ago. [填空].
①  So he was
②  So was he
③  So did he
④  So he did
【判断题】 When did you arrive in new york?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 体循环行程不包括( )
①  左心室
②  肺动脉
③  上腔静脉
④  下腔静脉
⑤  右心房
【单选题】 关于血流动力学监测不正确的是( )
①  综合指标优于单一指标
②  静态指标优于动态指标
③  血流动力学监测≠血流动力学治疗
④  动态指标优于静态指标
⑤  血流动力学目标因病而异
【单选题】 中心静脉压高、血压低,有可能提示( )
①  外周阻力大
②  循环血容量多
③  心包填塞
④  心肌收缩力良好
⑤  血容量轻度不足
【单选题】 最直观的可以快速反映血流动力情况的指标是( )
①  心率
②  血压
③  中心静脉压
④  精神状态
⑤  尿量
【单选题】 重症超声应用于血流动力学监测的优点( )
①  无创
②  可即时监测
③  可持续监测
④  可定性评估
⑤  可定量评估
【单选题】 判断DKA是否缓解,以下指标都很重要,除了下面哪一项()
①  血糖
②  尿酮
③  血气分析
④  神志
⑤  血酮
【单选题】 妊娠期DKA的治疗原则,下列哪项错误( )
①  尽快补液恢复血容量
②  纠正电解质及酸碱平衡
③  降低血糖
④  积极终止妊娠
⑤  监测各脏器功能,防治并发症,降低病死率。
【单选题】 发生DKA时,发挥最重要作用的酮体是( )
①  乙酰乙酸、β-羟丁酸、丙酮
②  乙酰、β-羟丁酸、丙酮
③  乙酰、α-羟丁酸、丙酮
④  乙酰乙酸、α-羟丁酸、丙酮
⑤  乙酸、α-羟丁酸、丙酮
【单选题】 妊娠期DKA对胎儿的影响,下列哪项错误( )
①  增加胎儿死亡、早产风险以及新生儿入NICU风险。
②  酮体可透过血脑屏障,引起胎儿氧化性脑组织损伤,发生缺氧缺血性脑病。
③  DKA可影响胎儿心脏及血管内皮系统,诱发胎儿心动过速。
④  只要孕妇后期血糖控制良好,对胎儿没有影响
⑤  与胎儿神经发育相关
【单选题】 关于妊娠期DKA,下列描述错误的是( )
①  妊娠期更容易发生DKA
②  妊娠期DKA较非妊娠期发生速度更快
③  发生妊娠期DKA的血糖阈值相对低
④  妊娠期DKA对胎儿影响不大
⑤  妊娠期DKA对胎儿影响很大