【判断题】 章草指汉代流行的草书体,是汉隶的草写。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 长期写篆书,多用中锋,最终会导致写不好行草书。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 赵壹《非草书》中的草书指的是今草。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 石鼓文就是用小篆写的。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 新闻跳笔这种笔法的特点是?
①  直入主题,展示要点
②  直接组合
③  多段落和短段落
④  段与段之间的跳跃性
【判断题】 两汉通行的是草书。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下面有两部作品用讽刺的笔法刻画了知识分子的精神状态,这两部作品是( )。
①  《儒林外史》
②  《三言二拍》
③  《围城》
④  《子夜》
【判断题】 赵树理小说的一大优点是用农民的眼光看农民,而且用农民的语言写农民。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 悟出“屋漏痕”笔法的古代书法家是( )。
①  王羲之
②  颜真卿
③  董其昌
④  怀素
【单选题】 雨果的史诗笔法本身以包含了现实主义和( )。
①  批判主义
②  共和主义
③  浪漫主义
【单选题】 It is clear that the whole world is passing through a social revolution in which a central_____ must be taken by scientists and technologists.
①  process
②  attention
③  measure
④  part
【单选题】 When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above ___.
①  average
②  ordinary
③  regular
④  normal
【单选题】 ___ he does has nothing to do with me.
①  Whatever
②  No matter what
③  That
④  If
【单选题】 When I worked as the general manager of the firm, I sometimes had ___ to visit London on business.
①  opportunity
②  possibility
③  occasion
④  chance
【单选题】 The manager came over and asked the customer how ___.
①  did the quarrel came about
②  the quarrel had come about
③  had the quarrel come about
④  had the quarrel come about
【判断题】 The population of beijing has been increased for ten years.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ___ I saw the computer, I showed great interest in it.
①  At first
②  For the first time
③  Until
④  The first time
【判断题】 Can you arrive the top of the roof?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 He speaks English ___ he speaks his mother tongue.
①  so good as
②  as good as
③  so well as
④  as well as
【单选题】 My mother is __________ a piece of meat.
①  knife
②  knifing
③  knifes
④  kniked