下列执照和单证中,属于“五证合一、一照一码”登记制度改革范围的有( )。
【多选题】 “五证合一、一照一码”登记制度的五证是指(? ?)。
①  税务登记证
②  工商营业执照
③  组织机构代码证
④  社会保险登记证
⑤  统计登记证
【多选题】 “五证合一、一照一码”登记制度的五证是指(? ?)。
①  税务登记证
②  工商营业执照
③  组织机构代码证
④  社会保险登记证
⑤  统计登记证
【判断题】 实行“五证合一”登记制度后,加载统一代码营业执照在经税务机关完成信息补录后具备税务登记证的法律地位和作用。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 企业办理涉税事宜时,在完成补充信息采集后,凭加载统一代码的营业执照可代替税务登记证使用。(  )
【判断题】 过渡期间未换发“三证合一、一照一码”营业执照的企业申请注销,税务机关按照原规定办理。(  )
【多选题】 “三证合一”的登记制度是指哪三证( )。
①  营业执照
②  组织机构代码证
③  税务登记证
④  社会保险登记证
【判断题】 “五证合一、一照一码”实行“一套材料、一表登记、一窗受理”的工作模式。(? ?)
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 “五证合一、一照一码”实行“一套材料、一表登记、一窗受理”的工作模式。(? ?)
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 已实行“三证合一、一照一码”登记模式的企业办理注销登记,需持税务机关的清税证明才能办理后续工商注销事宜。(? ?)
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 已实行“三证合一、一照一码”登记模式的企业办理注销登记,需持税务机关的清税证明才能办理后续工商注销事宜。(? ?)
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Are you ready to order desert, please?
①  Yes, please
②  Please don’t order it
③  No, don’t mention it
④  Yes, I’d like to have some chocolate cake
【单选题】 The donated liver came from the UK, but the hospital is giving no further __________ .
①  instance
②  character
③  items
④  details
【单选题】 Well, it’s getting late. I must be going. Thank you again for inviting me to the party.
①  Oh, it’s so late
②  Thank you for coming
③  Oh, so soon?
④  I really had a happy time
【单选题】 I won’t be able to attend the meeting tonight because _________ .
①  I must teach a class
②  I teach a class
③  I will be teaching a class
④  I will have been teaching a class
【单选题】 Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport?
①  Don’t ask that
②  Sorry, I’m a stranger here
③  No, I can’t say that
④  No, you’re driving too fast
【单选题】 These two areas are similar __________ they both have a high rainfall during this season.
①  to that
②  besides that
③  in that
④  except that
【单选题】 Success results ___________ hard work, and hard work results in success.
①  from
②  in
③  by
④  with
【单选题】 David, there a dictionary and some books on your desk. Please put them away.
①  is
②  are
③  have
④  has
【单选题】 _________ is no reason for dismissing him.
①  Because he was a few minutes late
②  Owing to a few minutes being late
③  The fact that he was a few minutes late
④  Being a few minutes late
【单选题】 Police are __________ the disappearance of two children.
①  looking out
②  looking after
③  looking into
④  looking on