【多选题】 根据镜头焦距可变程度来分,镜头分为()。
①  A.定焦镜头
②  B.广角镜头
③  C.长焦镜头
④  D.变焦镜头
【多选题】 根据镜头光圈恒定与否,镜头可分为()。
①  A.定焦镜头
②  B.恒定光圈镜头
③  C.非恒定光圈镜头
④  D.标准镜头
【判断题】 一般来说,时间值超过三十秒的镜头叫做长镜头
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 根据镜头焦距的长度与所拍底片对角线长度比值来分,相机的镜头分为()。
①  A.标准镜头
②  B.变焦镜头
③  C.长焦镜头
④  D.广角镜头
【单选题】 口腔正畸医学摄影器材的镜头应选用()
①  变焦镜头
②  定焦镜头
③  标准镜头
④  广角镜头
【单选题】 镜头的标识MACRO的意思是()
①  定焦
②  变焦
③  微距
④  闪光
⑤  光圈
【判断题】 镜头的长短决定着画面的性质,画面的涵义往往会随着时间的变化而变化。决定镜头长度的因素有:镜头的内容长度、镜头的情绪长度、镜头的诗意。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 手动对焦镜头用()表示
①  A、MF
②  B、AF
③  C、CF
④  D、TV
【单选题】 手动对焦镜头用()表示
①  AMF
②  BAF
③  CCF
④  DTV
【多选题】 按照焦距长短的不同,镜头有()
①  A.标准镜头
②  B.广角镜头
③  C.长焦镜头
④  D.鱼眼镜头
【单选题】 Weather______, we will go to the beach on Saturday.
①  permit
②  permits
③  permitting
④  permitted
【单选题】 ______, this book is not very difficult.
①  Generally say
②  Generally saying
③  Generally speak
④  Generally speaking
【单选题】 This ______,we all went home immediately.
①  did
②  done
③  does
④  do
【单选题】 Johnregretted_______tothemeetinglastweek.
①  not going
②  not to go
③  not having been going
④  not to be going
【单选题】 The weather was terrible outside. She entered the office, her nose ______ with cold.
①  red
②  to be red
③  being red
④  has been red
【单选题】 Body language contains a lot of information. So, ______ your body language
①  be likely to
②  be aware of
③  be friendly with
④  be patient with
【单选题】 A balanced diet is ______ as a quick and effective way to keep in good health.
①  consider
②  considers
③  considered
④  considering
【单选题】 We should not eat or eat less______ food.
①  junk
②  garbage
③  trash
④  rubbish
【单选题】 My brother can take his car apart and put it back together again. I certainly wish he______ me how.
①  would teach
②  has taught
③  will teach
④  teaches
【单选题】 She’s very ______ and would like to see each thing in its place.
①  gathered
②  grouped
③  modernized
④  organized