【单选题】 牙体缺损修复时如修复体龈缘过长会造成()
①  过敏性痛
②  自发性痛
③  咬合痛
④  龈炎
⑤  修复体松动
【单选题】 牙体缺损修复的抗力型是指()
①  修复体及治疗牙不破折
②  治疗牙的牙槽骨不吸收
③  治疗牙的牙周膜不损伤
④  修复体不破折
⑤  修复后的治疗牙不发生龋病
【单选题】 修复牙体缺损的修复体的种类不包括()
①  嵌体
②  全冠
③  固定桥
④  桩核冠
⑤  种植体牙冠
【单选题】 在牙体缺损修复的牙体预备中应该注意
①  为恢复美观功能,可以任意磨除牙体组织
②  为方便修复体就位,预备体的聚合度越大越好
③  彻底去除病变组织
④  牙体组织磨得越少越好
⑤  各种修复都要磨除相同量的牙体组织
【单选题】 不符合牙体缺损修复体固位原理的是()。
①  修复体组织面与预备体表面接触越紧密固位越好
②  邻沟可增大修复体与预备体的刚性约束力
③  轴面聚合度越小固位力越大
④  修复体粘结面越光滑粘结力越强
⑤  粘结剂越厚粘结力越小
【单选题】 牙体缺损修复治疗的原则如下,除了()。
①  恢复面部形态
②  恢复轴面形态
③  恢复邻接关系
④  恢复牙合面形态
⑤  恢复咬合关系
【单选题】 牙体缺损修复时,有关牙体预备保护牙髓的说法哪项是错误的()
①  用高速切割器械做牙体预备时,应有水雾冷却
②  局麻下操作对应注意保护牙髓
③  牙体预备可分次完成
④  牙体预备后,避免用刺激性药物
⑤  活髓牙牙体预备后应做临时冠
【单选题】 关于牙体缺损的修复原则,下列说法错误的是()
①  去净腐质和感染牙本质
②  大量去除牙体组织
③  预备固位形
④  采用适当的修复材料
⑤  预备抗力形
【单选题】 以下哪类后牙修复体不属于冠内固位修复体()
①  高嵌体
②  桩核冠
③  嵌体
④  牙合贴面
⑤  嵌体冠
【单选题】 属于修复体螺丝松动的原因( )
①  修复体被动就位差
②  咬合干扰
③  修复螺丝开口位置偏离咬合点
④  修复螺丝预紧力差
⑤  以上均是
【单选题】 How to operate this computer? Is this a complete sentence?
①  Yes
②  No
【单选题】 The man was forced to steal a loaf of bread who was hungry. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence.
①  The
②  a loaf of
③  who was hungry
【单选题】 Pop music is such an important part of society [] it has even influenced our language.
①  as
②  that
③  which
④  where
【单选题】 The companies are working together to create [] they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century.
①  which
②  that
③  what
④  who
【单选题】 To succeed in our future goal, [] we students really need to do is to study as hard as possible.
①  that
②  how
③  what
④  why
【单选题】 The drivers are told to drive carefully on the radio. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence.
①  on the radio
②  the
③  carefully
【单选题】 The trees stand nearly barren; their leaves lay on the ground. Identify the mistake in the sentence.
①  stand
②  barren
③  leaves
④  lay
【单选题】 I would accept that there was a bias in some key areas of British life, [] that bias has now gone.
①  or
②  and
③  but
④  so
【单选题】 He argued that it is the youths duty to find the problems in the society [] solve the problems in the society.
①  or
②  and
③  but
④  so
【单选题】 They are sweeping the floor wearing masks. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence.
①  sweeping
②  the
③  wearing masks