【单选题】 扁平苔藓有()
①  鳞状化生
②  角化珠
③  胶样小体
④  角质栓塞
⑤  影细胞
【单选题】 扁平苔藓的病理特征是()
①  上皮角化层出现角质栓塞
②  上皮基底细胞液化变性及基底膜界线不清
③  上皮增生伴有异常增生
④  上皮萎缩、上皮异常增生或原位癌
⑤  上皮明显增厚但细胞分化较好
【单选题】 下列关于毛发扁平苔藓说法错误的是:
①  好发于顶后及颞部,可累及全头皮
②  活动区域生长期毛发轻拉试验阴性
③  面部、眉毛、四肢、腋毛、阴毛都可受累
④  可以没有症状,或有痒痛
【单选题】 复发性阿弗他溃疡常用的临床分型是( )
①  糜烂型、非糜烂型 
②  轻型、重型、疱疹样型
③  均质型、非均质型
④  速发型、迟发型
⑤  假膜型、红斑型、萎缩型
【单选题】 下述药物中不可用于单纯疱疹性角膜炎的是( )。
①  氧氟沙星
②  阿昔洛韦
③  碘苷
④  利巴韦林
⑤  更昔洛韦
【单选题】 儿童过敏性紫癜性肾炎常见证型为
①  风水相搏
②  血热妄行
③  气滞血瘀
④  肺脾气虚
⑤  脾不统血
【单选题】 糜烂和溃疡的主要区别在于()
①  糜烂为上皮浅层破坏,溃疡为上皮全层破坏
②  糜烂无疼痛,溃疡有剧烈疼痛
③  糜烂愈合后无瘢痕,溃疡愈合后有瘢痕
④  糜烂面积较小,溃疡面积较大
⑤  糜烂可继发于基层下疱后,溃疡可继发于棘层内疱后
【单选题】 磺胺类药物中,可用于治疗溃疡性结肠炎的为
①  磺胺嘧啶
②  磺胺甲噁唑
③  复方磺胺甲噁唑
④  增效联磺
⑤  柳氮磺吡啶
【单选题】 消化性溃疡病具有特征性的临床表现是
①  持续性上腹痛
②  反酸、嗳气
③  食欲不振、上腹部不适
④  精神、神经症状
⑤  慢性、周期性、节律性上腹痛
【单选题】 关于复发性阿弗他溃疡临床分型的描述,不正确的是
①  溃疡5~10mm,<10个,持续10~14d,不形成瘢痕
②  溃疡<5mm,>10个,持续10~14d,不形成瘢痕
③  溃疡>10mm,≥1个,持续>14天,可1~2月或更长,形成瘢痕
④  溃疡>10mm,≥5个,持续>10天,可1~2月或更长,形成瘢痕
⑤  溃疡每月发作,每次持续3~10d, 疼痛影响进食和日常口腔清洁
【单选题】 In William Cullen Bryant’s poem “Thanatopsis”, the title means______.
①  view of life
②  view of death
③  view of youth
④  world outlook
【单选题】 At the Reason and Revolution Period, Americans were influenced by the European movement called ______.
①  Chartist Movement
②  Romanticism Movement
③  Enlightenment Movement
④  Modernist Movement
【单选题】 The eminent English critic and poet, Matthew Arnold, called___“the most perfect brief poem in the language.”
①  Nature
②  To a Waterfowl
③  To Helen
④  The Wild Honey Suckle
【单选题】 Which of following can be said of the common features which are shared by the English and American Romanticists?
①  An increasing emphasis on the free expression of emotions.
②  An increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters.
③  An increasing emphasis on the desire to return to nature.
④  Both A and B.
【单选题】 The giant Moby Dick may symbolize all EXCEPT ______.
①  mystery of the universe
②  sin of the whale
③  power of the Great Nature
④  evil of the world
【单选题】 The convention of the desire for an escape from society and a return to nature in American literature is particular evident in ______.
①  Cooper’s Leatherstocking Tales
②  Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter
③  Whitman’s Leaves of Grass
④  Poe’s Black Cat
【单选题】 The Transcendentalist group includes two of the most significant writers America has produced so far, Emerson and ________.
①  Washington Irving
②  Nathaniel Hawthorne
③  Henry David Thoreau
④  Walt Whitman
【单选题】 Emily Dickinsons poetic idiom is noted for the following except .
①  brevity
②  directness
③  plainest words
④  obscure
【单选题】 Which of the following is not written by Herman Melville? ____
①  Typee and Omoo
②  Mardi and White Jacket
③  The Bostonians and American Tragedy
④  Moby-Dick and Pierre
【单选题】 Which is not connected with Thomas Paine?
①  Common Sense
②  The American Crisis
③  The Rights of Man
④  The Ambassadors