有一台离心泵,原来以3000转/分的转速转动,现在改为2000转/分,那么泵的流量为原来的( )。

【单选题】 在某单泵输液的管路中,并联一台同一型号的离心泵,单泵与并联双泵的输液效果为————。
①  并联的输液量将是单泵的两倍
②  并联的扬程将是单泵的两倍
③  并联的能耗将是单泵的两倍
④  并联的输液量、扬程或能耗都不会是单泵的两倍
【单选题】 对于一台离心水泵来说,现在改为输送比水粘度大的液体,那么泵的扬程将( )。
①  增大
②  不变
③  减小
【单选题】 离心泵的效率与流量的关系为——。
①  流量增加,效率增大。
②  流量增加,效率减小。
③  流量增加,效率先增大后减小。
④  流量增加,效率先减小后增大。
【单选题】 离心泵的轴功率与流量的关系——。
①  流量增大,轴功率增大。
②  流量增大,轴功率减小。
③  流量增大,轴功率先减小后增大。
④  流量增大,轴功率先增大后减小。
【单选题】 离心泵扬程的意义 。
①  A、泵的实际升扬高度
②  B、泵的吸液高度
③  C、液体出泵和进泵的压差换算成的液注高度
④  D、单位重量液体出泵和进泵的机械能差值
【单选题】 离心泵的工作点决定于 。
①  A、管路特性曲线
②  B、离心泵特性曲线
③  C、管路特性曲线和离心泵特性曲线
④  D、与管路特性曲线和离心泵特性曲线无关
【单选题】 倘若开大离心泵出口阀门,提高泵的输液量,会引起 。
①  A、泵的效率提高
②  B、泵的效率降低
③  C、泵的效率可能提高也可能降低
④  D、泵的效率只决定于泵的结构及泵的转速,与流量变化无关
【单选题】 离心泵工作时,流量稳定,那么它的扬程与管路所需的有效压力相比应该( )。
①  小于管路所需有效压力
②  一样
③  大于管路所需有效压力
【单选题】 启动离心泵前关闭泵出口阀的目的是( )。
①  提高泵出口压力
②  防止吸入管线突然抽空
③  防止系统压力突变
④  减小启动功率
【单选题】 离心泵铭牌上标明的扬程m可理解为 。
①  A、该泵在规定转速下可以将20℃的水升扬的高度
②  B、该泵在规定转速、最高效率下将20℃的水升扬的高度
③  C、该泵在规定转速下对20℃的水提供的压头
④  D、该泵在规定转速、最高效率下对20℃的水提供的压头
【单选题】 I’ll send you a short message as soon as I _______ in Hong Kong.
①  arrived
②  will arrive
③  am going to arrive
④  arrive
【单选题】 Good morning, Dr Johnson’s office. Can I help you?
①  Speaking, please
②  I’d like to make an appointment, please
③  Yes, go on
④  No, you can’t
【单选题】 The population of many Alaskan cities has __________ doubled in the past three years.
①  larger than
②  as great as
③  more than
④  as many as
【单选题】 The match was cancelled because most of the members __________ a match without a standard court.
①  objected to having
②  objected to have
③  were objected to have
④  were objected to having
【单选题】 - Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?
①  I’d rather stay here if you don’t mind
②  Sorry, I don’t like neither
③  Certainly, why not?
④  Yes, we like these two places
【单选题】 He said he would continue a support us _____ we didn’t break the rules.
①  as well as
②  as soon as
③  as far as
④  as long as
【单选题】 Can I have a look at your passport?
①  It is here
②  Here is it
③  Here you are
④  No, you can’t
【单选题】 Her sun – tanned face suggested that she __________ in excellent health.
①  be
②  is
③  was
④  were
【单选题】 Yesterday was my birthday. My mother .
①  made a cake to me
②  made a cake me
③  made for me a cake
④  made me a cake
【单选题】 That probably explains why public opinion is broadly __________ euthanasia (安乐死), or at least certain forms of it.
①  in relation to
②  in contrast to
③  in excess of
④  in favor of