【单选题】 产生节律性呼吸的基本中枢在
①  下丘脑
②  延髓
③  脑桥
④  中脑
⑤  脊髓
【判断题】 呕吐中枢位于延髓。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 呼吸基本中枢位于( )
①  延髓
②  中脑
③  丘脑
④  下丘脑
【单选题】 中枢性呼吸困难是指:
①  呼吸表浅、双吸气
②  呼吸快,有鼻翼扇动、三凹征
③  呼出气体有烂苹果味
④  吸气性呼吸困难
⑤  呼气性呼气困难
【单选题】 导致呼吸中枢发放神经冲动增加的是
①  通气血流比利失调
②  呼吸系统压力改变
③  呼吸系统容积改变
④  哮喘发作
⑤  特发性肺间质纤维化
【单选题】 排尿反射的初级中枢位于
①  大脑皮质
②  下丘脑
③  延髓
④  骶段脊髓
⑤  脑桥
【单选题】 排尿反射的初级中枢位于
①  大脑皮质
②  下丘脑
③  延髓
④  骶段脊髓
⑤  脑桥
【单选题】 瞳孔对光反射的中枢位于()
①  延髓
②  间脑
③  中脑
④  大脑
⑤  小脑
【单选题】 瞳孔对光反射的中枢在( )
①  下丘脑
②  中脑
③  延髓
④  大脑
【单选题】 以下哪项原因可引起中枢性呼吸衰竭?( )
①  心力衰竭
②  氮质血症
③  颅脑外伤
④  急性喉炎
【单选题】 The two countries have cooperated well in a ( ) of ways.
①  ray
②  plenty
③  range
④  kind
【单选题】 It was time to head ( ) for college.
①  out
②  to
③  of
④  off
【单选题】 He has a part-time job ( ) shelves in the local supermarket.
①  stock
②  stocked
③  stocks
④  stocking
【单选题】 Humans read constantly in order to obtain the benefits ( ) from reading books.
①  attained
②  attaining
③  attain
④  attains
【单选题】 Everyone knows ( ) we should read more books.
①  whether
②  that
③  to
④  which
【单选题】 Fostering a good habit is essential to ( ).
①  succeed
②  successful
③  success
④  successive
【单选题】 They left the company of their own ( ).
①  chioce
②  choose
③  violation
④  violin
【单选题】 The main purpose of industry is to ( ) wealth.
①  creating
②  creation
③  creativity
④  create
【单选题】 As a medical professor, you should do some ( ) work.
①  volunteer
②  volunteering
③  violate
④  voluntary
【单选题】 A ( ) liar is hard to get trust again.
①  habitual
②  inhabitable
③  habit
④  inhabitant