【单选题】 H物质为A、B抗原的前身物质,H物质形成
①  受H基因控制
②  受O基因控制
③  受A、B基因控制
④  有剂量效应
⑤  有数量效应
【单选题】 B与H的关系是
①  H=μB
②  H=μ0B
③  B=μH
④  B=μ0H
【单选题】 B与H的关系是( )。
①  H=μB
②  H=μ0B
③  B=μH
④  B=μ0H
【单选题】 设物理地址(10FF0H)=10H,(10FF1H)=20H,(10FF2H)=30H,从地址10FF1H中取出一个字的内容是
①  1020H
②  3020H
③  2030H
④  2010H
【判断题】 水泥稳定材料所用水泥初凝时间应大于3h,终凝时间应大于6h且小于10h
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 指令MOV A,@R0,执行前(A)=86H,(R0)=20H,(20H)=18H,执行后( )。
①  A=77H
②  A=F7H
③  A=D2H
④  以上都不对
【判断题】 10B8H。
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 设(70H)=60H,(60H)=20H,P1为输入口,状态为0B7H,执行如下程序:MOV R0,#70H MOV A,@R0 MOV R1,A MOV B,@R1 MOV @R0,P1 。问R0、A、R1、B和70H中的数据是多少?
【单选题】 已知:A=D2H,(40H)=77H,执行指令:ORL A,40H后,其结果是:( )。
①  LCALL addr16
②  DJNZ direct,rel
③  SJMP rel
④  ACALL addr11
【单选题】 指令MOV R0, 20H执行前(R0)=30H,(20H)=38H,执行后(R0)=( ) 。
①  工作寄存器R0~R7  
②  专用寄存器SFR  
③  程序存贮器ROM
④  片内RAM的20H~2FH安节中的所有位和部分专用寄存器SFR的位
【单选题】 She was ( ) the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
①  supposed
②  founded
③  rewarded
④  awarded
【单选题】 The new toy didn’t ( ) the child’s attention for long; a few minutes later he cried again.
①  get
②  engage
③  increase
④  drive
【单选题】 Mary has a ( ) for languages.
①  property
②  factor
③  facility
④  profession
【单选题】 He said she ( ) him from a hard-drinking person to a devoted husband and father.
①  had transformed
②  transformed@transforms
③  transforming
【单选题】 The whole magazine is produced and edited in the ( ) of excellence.
①  pursue
②  pursuit
③  chase
④  dream
【单选题】 The course is designed to ( ) students for a career in nursing.
①  match
②  contribute
③  exploit
④  equip
【单选题】 The theatre has a seating ( ) of 3000.
①  ability
②  specialty
③  capacity
④  facility
【单选题】 They ( ) their headquarters in Shanghai.
①  loaded
②  enhanced
③  located
④  employed
【单选题】 Students ( ) for admission to a particular college.
①  afford
②  apply
③  approach
④  affect
【单选题】 We must ( ) that all patients have access to high quality care.
①  ensure
②  award
③  grant
④  challenge