工业上采用( )做原料,一氧化氮作催化剂,最终制得甲醛。
目前,工业上生产乙醛的主要方法有乙炔在汞盐催化下液相水合法、( )、丙烷—丁烷直接氧化法和乙烯在钯盐催化下均相络合催化氧化法四种。
( )是目前工业上生产乙烯的主要方法。
将( )与溴单质加成混合,制备1,2-二溴乙烷。
工业上,制备酰氯时,常用( )作为试剂。
下列试剂中能用来作为苯甲醛和苯甲醇鉴别的有( )
工业上利用甲醇与氨反应制取胺,将其混合蒸气通过加热的( )。
No matter how hard his opponent hit, the boxer was determined to ( ) the fight.
将句子翻译成英文:这个情节肯定会引起读者的好奇心。(plot, provoke)
Sooner or later he will face ( ) on his own.
500 people a year die of this disease ( ) average.
He didn’t contribute one idea ( ) the discussion.
Increasing numbers of people ( ) to work from home nowadays.
I hope that the decision was ( ) on rational thought rather than emotion.
( ) to the museum is free.
My tutor ( ) me to take the time to read at least ten books on the list.
She reminded him ( ) the last time they had met.