管道轴测图必须按比例绘制,但各种阀门、管件之间比例要协调,它们的位置相对比例也要协调。( )
【判断题】 工艺管道及仪表流程图按照一定比例绘制。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 面部各部分之间比例协调时表现为()
①  当下颌姿势位时,上颌切牙切缘在下唇下缘下约1mm,下颌前牙切缘与下唇上缘平齐
②  露出切牙1/2
③  口角对着上颌尖牙的远中部分或第一磨牙的近中部分
④  口角对着上颌尖牙的近中
⑤  以上都对
【判断题】 比例相对指标是总体中不同部分数量对比的相对指标。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 用简化系数“1”画出的正等轴测投影比实际轴测投影要大,轴向放大比例为( )。
①  3:1
②  2:1
③  1.5:1
④  1.22:1
【单选题】 地形图按其比例尺的大小可以分为大比例尺地形图、中比例尺地形图和小比例尺地形图。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 管道以( )表示,管件、阀门等以细实线用规定符号画出,并在管道的适当位置画出流向箭头。
①  粗实线
②  细虚线
③  细实线
④  中虚线
【单选题】 施工图图样的比例应符合GBT/14690的规定,原值比例为()
①  A2:1
②  B1:1
③  C1:2
④  D1:5
【单选题】 根据投射线和轴测投影面相对位置的不同,轴测投影可分( )。
①  正轴测投影和斜轴测投影
②  水平轴测投影和竖直轴测投影
③  直轴测投影和歪轴测投影
④  斜二轴测投影和斜三轴测投影
【单选题】 企业投资并取得收益时,必须按一定的比例和基数提取各种公积金,这一要求体现的是
①  资本积累约束
②  偿债能力约束
③  超额累计利润约束
④  资本保全由约束
【单选题】 企业投资并取得收益时,必须按一定的比例和基数提取各种公积金,这一要求体现的是
①  资本积累约束
②  偿债能力约束
③  超额累计利润约束
④  资本保全约束
【单选题】 11.Since family ______children’s character, he encouraged parents to teach children reading.
①  formed
②  shaped
③  built
④  made
【单选题】 16.It was by train _____ we reached there.
①  which
②  that
③  what
④  how
【单选题】 17. It was the headmaster _____ gave us the leave to go to the concert.
①  who
②  whom
③  that
④  which
【单选题】 15.It was on the day my first son was born _____ I put them in the soil.
①  when
②  who
③  that
④  where
【单选题】 19.Our school library is ________ closed for repairs.
①  shortly
②  quickly
③  temporarily
④  rapidly
【单选题】 24. They are teachers and dont realize ______ to start and run a company.
①  what it takes
②  what takes it
③  what they take
④  what takes them
【单选题】 21.If it ________ tomorrow, the match would be put off.
①  will rain
②  were to rain
③  was raining
④  had rained
【单选题】 4.The wedding ceremony is exactly ____ to coincide with his parents’ wedding anniversary.
①  timing
②  time
③  happening
④  timed
【单选题】 2. The notice can be written on any material as long as it’s _______.
①  clear
②  clean
③  legible
④  illegible
【单选题】 7.He saw the police cars ______ around the corner.
①  scream
②  jolt
③  screech
④  cling