【单选题】 肾虚所致的小便频数、夜间遗尿应该选用的药物是()。
①  金锁固精丸
②  缩泉丸
③  固本益肠片
④  玉屏风颗粒(胶囊、口服液)
⑤  四神丸(片)
【单选题】 肾虚休息式意想()
①  肾区
②  头部
③  手握烧热的铁球
④  眼睛
【多选题】 肾虚不藏导致的遗精,可选用下列哪些方剂()
①  A.六味地黄丸
②  B.左归饮
③  C.右归饮
④  D.左归丸
⑤  E.赞育丹
【单选题】 肾虚腰痛的症状特征说法错误的是()
①  腰膝无力、喜按
②  苔白腻,脉沉迟缓
③  偏阳虚,舌淡,脉沉细
④  偏阴虚,五行烦热
⑤  偏阴虚,口干面红,舌红
【单选题】 肾虚型胎动不安,选用的方剂是()
①  寿胎丸
②  举元煎
③  苎根汤、胎元饮
④  保阴煎
⑤  加味圣愈汤
【单选题】 下列哪项不是肾虚的共见症状
①  腰酸背痛
②  夜尿增多
③  咳嗽
④  尿后余沥
⑤  健忘
【单选题】 针对肾虚血瘀的病机,治疗上,张教授主张()
①  健脾
②  活血止血
③  养心安神
④  降胃气
⑤  补肾活血
【单选题】 主治肝肾阴虚所致的耳鸣耳聋、头晕目眩的常用中成药是()。
①  耳聋丸
②  辛芩颗粒
③  耳聋左慈丸
④  栀子金花丸
⑤  六神丸
【单选题】 主治肝阳上亢所致的头痛、眩晕、急躁易怒、心悸、失眠的成药是()。
①  天麻钩藤颗粒
②  正天丸
③  芎菊上清丸
④  松龄血脉康胶囊
⑤  脑立清丸
【单选题】 哪位药用于治疗痰湿凝滞所致的瘰疬()。
①  小金丸
②  内消瘰疬丸
③  阳和解凝膏
④  消银颗粒
⑤  乳癖消胶囊
【单选题】 A balanced diet is ______ as a quick and effective way to keep in good health.
①  consider
②  considers
③  considered
④  considering
【单选题】 We should not eat or eat less______ food.
①  junk
②  garbage
③  trash
④  rubbish
【单选题】 My brother can take his car apart and put it back together again. I certainly wish he______ me how.
①  would teach
②  has taught
③  will teach
④  teaches
【单选题】 She’s very ______ and would like to see each thing in its place.
①  gathered
②  grouped
③  modernized
④  organized
【单选题】 Keeping eye contact ______ respect for the interviewer and your audience.
①  says
②  pays
③  throws
④  shows
【单选题】 Do plan to arrive ______or a few minutes early for a job interview.
①  no time
②  on time
③  all the time
④  at a time
【单选题】 But for the immediate help from his neibour, the old man______of hunger fifteen years ago.
①  must die
②  must have died
③  would die
④  would have died
【单选题】 Can I send a package with some fragile______?
①  items
②  itinerary
③  terms
④  teams
【单选题】 Sorry, we cannot further______ the price.
①  deepen
②  shorten
③  lower
④  simpler
【单选题】 Fast delivery is important. Now our customers can______ their orders(订货) within 2 days.
①  deceive
②  receive
③  believe
④  relieve