为了增强六神曲的醒脾和胃作用,常用的炮制方法是( )。
【多选题】 炒焦是将药物炒至
①  表面焦黄色
②  表面焦褐色
③  内部颜色加深
④  有焦香气味
⑤  内部焦褐色
【单选题】 山楂炒焦可增强
①  活血化瘀作用
②  止血作用
③  治高血脂症作用
④  消食止泻作用
⑤  酸涩收敛作用
【单选题】 下列哪个药物不用炒焦法炮制
①  六神曲
②  麦芽
③  山楂
④  栀子
⑤  干姜
【单选题】 经炒炭炮制后可使药物增强或产生止血、止泻作用的炮制方法是( )。
①  麸炒法
②  炒焦法
③  炒黄法
④  砂炒法
⑤  炒炭法
【单选题】 既可土炒,又可麸炒的中药是( )。
①  苍术
②  山药
③  .枳壳
④  山楂
⑤  栀子
【单选题】 既可麸炒又可土炒的药物是
①  苍术
②  白术
③  枳壳
④  僵蚕
⑤  枳实
【单选题】 米炒党参的作用是
①  增强益气生津
②  增强补中益气养阴
③  增强和胃健脾止泻
④  增强补脾益肾
⑤  增强补阴生津
【单选题】 米炒斑蝥的作用是( )。
①  缓和药性,增强疗效
②  缓和对胃的刺激性
③  降低毒性
④  便于粉碎
⑤  消除苦寒之性
【单选题】 炒栀子的炮制作用是( )。
①  其性收涩,具有止血、止泻的功效
②  清热除烦,消除苦寒之性
③  可缓和对胃的刺激性,善于消食化积
④  缓和辛散走窜之性,可避免耗气伤阴
⑤  不仅酸味减弱,且增加了苦味,长于消食止泻
【单选题】 麸炒白术的炮制作用是( )。
①  以补脾健胃为主
②  借土气助脾,补脾止泻力胜
③  以补脾止泻为主
④  能缓和燥性,借麸入中,增强健脾、消胀作用
⑤  缓和其峻烈之性,偏于理气健胃消食
【单选题】 By the time she is 50 years old, she _____ an inmate of the prison for over half of her life.
①  would be
②  would have been
③  will have been
④  will be
【单选题】 He has been writing the essay the whole morning and he still ___ .
①  has been
②  does
③  has
④  is
【单选题】 Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage ______ avoided.
①  is to be
②  can be
③  has been
④  will be
【单选题】 There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone _____ me that evening.
①  to have interrupted
②  would have interrupted
③  to interrupt
④  had interrupted
【单选题】 He didn’t show up at the party yesterday. He ____ in the lab.
①  must have been busy working
②  must be busy wording
③  must be busy to work
④  would have been busy working
【单选题】 Marlin is an independent man who is not about _____ on his parents any more.
①  having relied
②  to rely
③  relying
④  to have relied
【单选题】 It _____ for over a month and the downpour had damaged many houses.
①  has rained cats and dogs
②  has been raining heavily
③  rained heavily
④  had been raining cats and dogs
【单选题】 Between 1897 and 1919, at least 29 motion pictures _____ .
①  have been produced
②  had been produced
③  had produced
④  would have produced
【单选题】 At the age of twenty-three, Emily ______ a businessman of her own choice.
①  had been married
②  had married
③  married
④  was married
【单选题】 In order to improve English, ______.
①  Jane’s father bought her a lot of tapes
②  Jane bought a lot of tapes for herself
③  a lot of tapes were bought for her by Jane’s father
④  a lot of tapes were bought by Jane