标准键盘中没有下面那个键( )
ScrollLock 键
【单选题】 PrtScn(PrintScreen)键的功能是()
①  将目前屏幕画面打印输出
②  将目前屏幕画面粘贴剪贴板
③  将目前屏幕画面保存到文件
④  将目前屏幕画面复制到剪贴板
【单选题】 键盘上的【Caps Lock】键被称为( )。
①  上档键
②  回车键
③  大小字母锁定键
④  退格键
【单选题】 用键盘选定连续行文本时,应按住( )键,再按键盘的方向键。
①  ctrl
②  space
③  Alt
④  shift
【单选题】 微型计算机键盘上的Tab键汉语译为( )。
①  退格键
②  控制键
③  交换换挡键
④  制表定位键
【单选题】 苯分子中的碳碳键的键长( )。
①  比碳碳单键短,比碳碳双键长
②  比碳碳单键长
③  与碳碳双键一样长
④  比碳碳双键短
【单选题】 常用的键包括( )
①  半圆键联接
②  楔键联接
③  BCD全部正确
④  切向键联接
【单选题】 微型计算机使用的键盘上的BackSpace键称为_____。
①  控制键
②  上档键
③  退格键
④  交替换档键
【单选题】 苯分子中有6个碳碳键,碳碳键的键长之间的关系:( )。
①  5长1短
②  4长2短
③  一样长
④  3长3短
【单选题】 在Windows 7中,“Windows徽标键+Tab”是_____的快捷键。
①  显示桌面
②  任务切换
③  显示3D桌面
④  桌面最大化
【多选题】 原子价键包括()。
①  A.离子键
②  B.共价键
③  C.金属键
④  D.分子键
【单选题】 Most insurance agents would rather you __________ anything about collecting claims until they investigate the situation.
①  don’t do
②  didn’t do
③  would not do
④  do
【单选题】 Kate works _______ she used to.
①  hard than
②  as harder as
③  as hard as
④  more harder than
【单选题】 Nowhere else in the world __________ more attractive scenery than in Switzerlan@@
①  you can find
②  is found
③  can you find
④  has been found
【单选题】 I am going away. or not she will go is up to her to decide.
①  if
②  which
③  whether
④  that
【单选题】 _________ the information about this product, you can contact the sales department of our company.
①  To get
②  Getting
③  Get
④  Got
【单选题】 The morning paper __________ a story about demonstrations in New York and Washington @@@@
①  carried
②  extended
③  brought
④  took
【单选题】 Tom is in favor of going to the movies; Jack insists on playing football.
①  while
②  meanwhile
③  when
④  at the same time
【单选题】 Ever since the Smiths moved to the suburbs a year ago they __________ better health.
①  could have enjoyed
②  had enjoyed
③  have been enjoying
④  are enjoying
【单选题】 She is quite capable and can be depended on in an __________ .
①  affair
②  accident
③  incident
④  emergency
【单选题】 He studied hard in his youth, __________ contributed to his great success in later life.
①  that
②  it
③  what
④  which