以下描述错误的是( )
【单选题】 以下关于云计算与云存储概念的描述中,错误的是( D )
①  计算与存储是计算机科学发展中两个密不可分的关键技术
②  云计算的概念包括计算与存储两个方面的内容
③  云存储提供按需使用的专业化仓储服务,实现可扩展的海量存储
④  用户根据需要选择云存储服务使用的主机.数据库.存储设备
【单选题】 关于使用DHCP自动分配IP地址的优点,以下描述错误的是( )。
①  可以减轻网络管理的工作,避免IP地址冲突带来的麻烦
②  可以减轻网络管理的工作,不能有效地避免IP地址冲突
③  客户机有较大的调整空间,用户更换网络时不需要重新设置TCP/IP
④  TCP/IP的设置可以在服务器集中设置更改,不需要修改客户机
【单选题】 Windows10的文件搜索功能,下面哪一项是错误的()
①  搜索出在某一时间创建或修改的文件
②  搜索出具有指定文件名的文件能用什么工具软件打开
③  搜索出具有指定文件名的文件在哪一个文件夹或驱动器
④  搜索出具有指定文件类型的文件
【单选题】 使用微信分享照片,可以通过谁可以看,去选择( )来控制能看到照片的人。
①  部分可见或不给谁看
②  以上ABC
③  私密
④  公开
【单选题】 关于sleep()和wait(),以下描述错误的一项是( )
①  sleep是线程类(Thread)的方法,wait是Object类的方法;
②  sleep不释放对象锁,wait放弃对象锁;
③  sleep暂停线程、但监控状态仍然保持,结束后会自动恢复;
④  wait后进入等待锁定池,只有针对此对象发出notify方法后获得对象锁进入运行状态。
【单选题】 对于ECMAScript的描述中,以下说法错误的是( ).(选择一项)
①  它是一个重要的标准,并不是javascript唯一的部分。
②  是一种开放的,国际上广为接受的,标准的脚本言规范。
③  它主要描述了语法、变量、数据类型、运算符、逻辑控制语句等。
④  ECMAScript遵循了JavaScript标准。
【单选题】 下列各句标点使用错误的一项是( )
①  这种“可持续”快乐观启示我们:在基本生活保障解决之后,快乐并不完全取决于物质财富的多寡或社会地位的高低。
②  错过了花,你将收获果实;错过了太阳,你会看到璀璨⑥的星光。
③  “仰不愧于天,俯不怍于人。”孟子以此表明自己对天的敬畏之情。
④  万物众生,都值得我们敬畏,从一朵向阳的花、一棵跳舞的草,到一只蚂蚁的力量,一个母亲在产房里挂满汗珠与泪珠的笑容……
【单选题】 可以使用磁带等存储介质的是()。
①  直接存取文件
②  顺序文件
③  索引文件
④  工作文件
【单选题】 以下描述错误的是( )
①  使用OneDrive需要付费购买才能使用更大的存储空间
②  一般机密性文件不能放在OneDrive保存
③  使用OneDrive必须有微软账户
④  OneDrive非常优秀,安全性很高,可以放心大胆无限制使用
【单选题】 以下关于物联网数据存储重要性的描述中,错误的是( B )
①  每一个传感器.RFID读写器在连续和实时地产生着大量的数据
②  物联网数据的重要性与互联网中E-Mail数据的重要性是相当的
③  研究的重点之一是如何存储物联网的海量数据,充分地利用好物联网信息
④  研究的另一个重点是如何保护隐私
【单选题】 It suddenly ________ him that he should solve the problem with a computer.
①  occurred to
②  struck at
③  hit on
④  dawned in
【单选题】 The most important ________ of his speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly for people.
①  element
②  spot
③  sense
④  point
【单选题】 Thescientistdidn’tmind________ andwentonwithhisinvestigation.
①  laughingat
②  tobelaughedat
③  beinglaughedat
④  laughedat
【单选题】 If you work hard, you will be ________; but if you don’t, you will be punished.
①  relaxed
②  relieved
③  reduced
④  rewarded
【单选题】 These plastic flowers look so ________ that many people think they are real.
①  natural
②  beautiful
③  artificial
④  similar
【单选题】 For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines: a never-ending flood of words. In getting a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend quickly can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are poor readers. Most of us develop poor reading habits at an early age, and never get over them. The main problem lies in language itself—words. Single words have little meaning until they are combined into phrases, sentences and paragraphs. Unfortunately, however, the untrained reader does not read groups of words. He reads one word at a time, often regressing to reread words or passages. Regression, or looking back over what you have just read, is a common bad habit in reading. Another habit which slows down the speed of reading is vocalization—sounding each word either orally or mentally as one reads. To overcome these bad habits, some reading clinics use a device called accelerator (加速器), which moves a bar down the page at a predetermined speed. The bar is set at a slightly faster rate than the reader finds comfortable, in order to “stretch” him. The accelerator forces the reader to read fast, making word-by-word reading, regression and vocalization virtually impossible. At first, comprehension is sacrificed for speed. But when you learn to read ideas, you will not only read faster, but your comprehension will improve. Many people have found their reading skills improved a lot after some training. According to the passage, today many people read for __________.
①  news
②  their work
③  information
④  entertainment
【单选题】 For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines: a never-ending flood of words. In getting a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend quickly can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are poor readers. Most of us develop poor reading habits at an early age, and never get over them. The main problem lies in language itself—words. Single words have little meaning until they are combined into phrases, sentences and paragraphs. Unfortunately, however, the untrained reader does not read groups of words. He reads one word at a time, often regressing to reread words or passages. Regression, or looking back over what you have just read, is a common bad habit in reading. Another habit which slows down the speed of reading is vocalization—sounding each word either orally or mentally as one reads. To overcome these bad habits, some reading clinics use a device called accelerator (加速器), which moves a bar down the page at a predetermined speed. The bar is set at a slightly faster rate than the reader finds comfortable, in order to “stretch” him. The accelerator forces the reader to read fast, making word-by-word reading, regression and vocalization virtually impossible. At first, comprehension is sacrificed for speed. But when you learn to read ideas, you will not only read faster, but your comprehension will improve. Many people have found their reading skills improved a lot after some training. The following are all bad reading habits EXCEPT __________.
①  regression
②  reading for ideas only
③  vocalization
④  word-by-word reading
【单选题】 For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines: a never-ending flood of words. In getting a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend quickly can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are poor readers. Most of us develop poor reading habits at an early age, and never get over them. The main problem lies in language itself—words. Single words have little meaning until they are combined into phrases, sentences and paragraphs. Unfortunately, however, the untrained reader does not read groups of words. He reads one word at a time, often regressing to reread words or passages. Regression, or looking back over what you have just read, is a common bad habit in reading. Another habit which slows down the speed of reading is vocalization—sounding each word either orally or mentally as one reads. To overcome these bad habits, some reading clinics use a device called accelerator (加速器), which moves a bar down the page at a predetermined speed. The bar is set at a slightly faster rate than the reader finds comfortable, in order to “stretch” him. The accelerator forces the reader to read fast, making word-by-word reading, regression and vocalization virtually impossible. At first, comprehension is sacrificed for speed. But when you learn to read ideas, you will not only read faster, but your comprehension will improve. Many people have found their reading skills improved a lot after some training. How does an accelerator help people to read?
①  It helps people read at a comfortable speed.
②  It makes people stretch their eyes when reading.
③  It forces people to overcome bad reading habits.
④  .It lets people look back over what they have just read
【单选题】 For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines: a never-ending flood of words. In getting a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend quickly can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are poor readers. Most of us develop poor reading habits at an early age, and never get over them. The main problem lies in language itself—words. Single words have little meaning until they are combined into phrases, sentences and paragraphs. Unfortunately, however, the untrained reader does not read groups of words. He reads one word at a time, often regressing to reread words or passages. Regression, or looking back over what you have just read, is a common bad habit in reading. Another habit which slows down the speed of reading is vocalization—sounding each word either orally or mentally as one reads. To overcome these bad habits, some reading clinics use a device called accelerator (加速器), which moves a bar down the page at a predetermined speed. The bar is set at a slightly faster rate than the reader finds comfortable, in order to “stretch” him. The accelerator forces the reader to read fast, making word-by-word reading, regression and vocalization virtually impossible. At first, comprehension is sacrificed for speed. But when you learn to read ideas, you will not only read faster, but your comprehension will improve. Many people have found their reading skills improved a lot after some training. What does “At first, comprehension is sacrificed for speed” (Para. 2) mean?
①  The reader reads fast, but he understands everything he reads.
②  The reader reads slowly and he understands everything he reads.
③  The reader reads fast without understanding everything he reads.
④  The reader reads slowly, but he doesn’t understand everything he reads
【单选题】 For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines: a never-ending flood of words. In getting a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend quickly can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are poor readers. Most of us develop poor reading habits at an early age, and never get over them. The main problem lies in language itself—words. Single words have little meaning until they are combined into phrases, sentences and paragraphs. Unfortunately, however, the untrained reader does not read groups of words. He reads one word at a time, often regressing to reread words or passages. Regression, or looking back over what you have just read, is a common bad habit in reading. Another habit which slows down the speed of reading is vocalization—sounding each word either orally or mentally as one reads. To overcome these bad habits, some reading clinics use a device called accelerator (加速器), which moves a bar down the page at a predetermined speed. The bar is set at a slightly faster rate than the reader finds comfortable, in order to “stretch” him. The accelerator forces the reader to read fast, making word-by-word reading, regression and vocalization virtually impossible. At first, comprehension is sacrificed for speed. But when you learn to read ideas, you will not only read faster, but your comprehension will improve. Many people have found their reading skills improved a lot after some training. Most people can’t read and comprehend quickly mainly because __________.
①  they don’t read groups of words
②  they don’t realize they have poor reading habits
③  they don’t like to be trained in reading skills
④  they don’t understand words when put together