We will not have the picnic unless more people sign ____ .
【判断题】 A: Shall we go out for a picnic tomorrow then? B: Its all up to you
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 We?will have?a picnic if?it?is?fine tomorrow.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 - Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?
①  I’d rather stay here if you don’t mind
②  Sorry, I don’t like neither
③  Certainly, why not?
④  Yes, we like these two places
【单选题】 Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?_________
①  I’d rather stay here if you don’t mind.
②  Sorry, I don’t like neither.
③  Certainly, why not?
④  Yes, we like these two places.
【单选题】 We should set up special schools for the ______ people.
①  A.young
②  B.old
③  C.poor
④  D.disabled
【单选题】 Up to now we have ( )the goal we set at the very beginning.
①  assured
②  influenced
③  possessed
④  accomplished
【单选题】 We need fifteen more people _____our team to do the job.
①  but
②  except
③  as well
④  besides
【单选题】 Some handicapped people may be ______ to go out at all and a visitor is more than welcome.
①  able
②  unable
③  disable
④  disabled
【单选题】 ___ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.
①  Which
②  When
③  What
④  As
【单选题】 — We have to stop talking here. Listen, _____! —Hurry up, or we’ ll be late.
①  There goes the bell
②  There does the bell go
③  There the bell goes
④  Goes the bell there
【判断题】 一般是利用漂浮物来削减风浪对堤坝的冲击力,或在堤坝坡受冲刷的范围内做防浪护坡工程,以加强堤坝的抗冲能力。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 滑坡的处理措施有::。
①  A.削坡减载
②  B.土袋固定堤脚
③  C.开挖导渗沟
④  D.做防渗心墙
【多选题】 汛期抢修子堤能提高堤坝的防洪能力,其子堤种类有::。
①  A.纯土子堤
②  B.土袋子堤
③  C.桩柳(木板)子堤
④  D.沙卵石袋子堤
【单选题】 坝后集中渗水的透明度反映了坝体渗出水中含土粒多少,表明是否带动了坝体土粒,若渗出的水突然变浑浊,即表明坝体裂缝后产生了::。
①  A流土
②  B管涌
③  C滑坡
④  D漏洞
【单选题】 ()是滑坡的先兆。
①  A渗水
②  B管涌
③  C裂缝
④  D滑坡
【判断题】 一般圬工建筑物上裂缝宽度若大于1mm,土坝上将有明显的裂缝。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在水压力作用下,水流渗入堤坝,将填土分为上干下湿两部分,干、湿土的分界线叫做::。
①  A浸润线
②  B分流线
③  C干湿线
④  D流线
【单选题】 在汛期高水位下,堤坝背水坡或坡脚附近出现土壤潮湿或松软并有水渗出的现象是()。
①  A散浸
②  B管涌
③  C漏洞
④  D滑坡
【单选题】 堤坝内部涵管断裂,经渗透水土流失而形成()。
①  A渗水
②  B跌窝
③  C裂缝
④  D滑坡
【多选题】 堤坝发生渗水的原因有哪些?:。
①  A.高水位持续时间长
②  B.堤坝断面不足
③  C.堤坝内土质透水性强
④  D.无防渗墙