8. He offered a reward to____ should restore the lost ring.
【单选题】 8. ______, he was honest.
①  As he was poor
②  Being poor
③  Poor as he was
④  He was poor
【单选题】 They are working hard to____ what they have lost.
①  make out for
②  keep up with
③  catch up with
④  make up for
【单选题】 They made a _____ search for the lost ring, but didn’t find it.
①  though
②  although
③  thorough
④  thoroughly
【单选题】 He was offered $20,000 for the picture of his but he ____ it _____.
①  turned…up
②  turned ….off
③  turned ….out
④  turned …down
【单选题】 Is he still in the company? Who_______for?
①  was he waiting
②  is he waiting
③  does he wait
【单选题】 That man alone over there – who is he?
①  He is a student
②  He is Doctor Took
③  A driver, I suppose
④  He’s drunk
【单选题】 Lets toss a ( )to decide who should go.
①  paper
②  coin
③  trunk
④  water
【单选题】 8.She no longer has that______ smile as before, but instead carries the sad look of a mother who has just lost her son.
①  careless
②  carefree
③  interested
④  sick
【单选题】 He should be responsible [填空] that.
①  in
②  on
③  at
④  for
【单选题】 He offered to ___ her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.
①  lend
②  help
③  grant
④  loan
【单选题】 下面哪部书不仅是我国最大的类书,也是世界公认的最早最大的一部百科全书?
①  《永乐大典》
②  《古今图书集成》
③  《四库全书》
④  《辞海》
【单选题】 “百戏之祖,百戏之师”指的是?
①  京剧
②  黄梅戏
③  吕剧
④  昆曲
【单选题】 甲骨文最早出现在哪个朝代?
①  商朝
②  清朝
③  唐朝
④  汉朝
【单选题】 明代纯以彩色在熟纸绘绢上作写意的画家是?
①  边景昭
②  孙隆
③  林良
④  吕纪
【多选题】 关于李白入长安之事,在学术界有( )等不同的说法。
①  “一次”
②  “二次”
③  “三次”
④  “四次”
【多选题】 古代记录文献的载体主要是( )等天然材料,统称为自然文献载体。
①  甲骨
②  竹筒
③  木板
④  泥板
【多选题】 天宝十一载(752)的一个秋日,以下哪几位诗人曾同游大慈恩寺,写下了同名为《登慈恩寺塔》的诗歌?
①  杜甫
②  高适
③  薛据
④  储光羲
【多选题】 天宝三载(744),哪几位诗人在梁宋相遇,同登吹台,慷慨怀古,饮酒赋诗?
①  杜甫
②  高适
③  王维
④  李白
【多选题】 我国古代最早的语录体散文不包括( )?
①  《史记》
②  《国语》
③  《论语》
④  《庄子》
【多选题】 中国传统文化是以( )为主体的文化。
①  儒家文化
②  道家文化
③  法家文化
④  墨家文化