She picked ____ the little book and give it to him.
【单选题】 Peter’s mother kept telling him that he should give up smoking, but _____ didn’t help.
①  he
②  which
③  she
④  it
【单选题】 The little boy stared at him in ( ).
①  astonishing
②  astonished
③  astonishment
④  astonishingly
【单选题】 A: Will you please give the note to him? B: [填空].
①  No,please not
②  Sorry,I dont
③  Certainly,Ill give it to him
④  Yes,please do
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]7.Its no wonder,then, that women all over the world are[填空1]a better option.
【单选题】 19.Though she talks little, she has made _______ friends here.
①  a few
②  few
③  littlle
④  a little
【单选题】 —Our son has picked up some bad habits recently, and I am really worried about it.— .
①  Yes, they have some bad habits.
②  Cheer up. I believe he will overcome it.
③  Well, he like drawing.
【单选题】 Tom [填空] get up a little earlier tomorrow.
①  needs
②  need
③  need to
④  needs to
【多选题】 I_____________ that she is over forty.
①  guess
②  think
③  imagine
④  suppose
【单选题】 She [填空]up at six.
①  wake
②  woke
③  wokes
④  waking
【单选题】 My father [] the curtain a little lest I see him.
①  opened
②  drew back
【单选题】 塑料排水立管宜每()层设置一个检査口。
【判断题】 存水弯也称水封。其作用是利用一定高度的静水压力来抵抗排水管内气压变化,隔绝和防止排水管道内所产生的难闻有害气体和可燃气体及小虫等通过卫生器具进入室内而污染环境。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 排水系统的通气(风)管有以下几种方式() 。
①  伸顶通气
②  三立管
③  双立管
④  以上都是
⑤  特殊配件
【单选题】 消火栓栓口处的出水压力超过(??)时,应有减压设施。?
①  1.0Mpa
②  0.5Mpa?
③  0.8Mpa?
④  0.3Mpa?
【单选题】 室内消火栓栓口离地面高度为(? ?)。
①  1.0米
②  1.2米
③  1.4米
④  1.1米
【单选题】 在设计自动喷水灭火系统时,配水管道的工作压力不应大于();湿式系统、干式系统的喷水头动作后应由()直接连锁自动启动供水泵。
①  1.2 MPa ,压力开关
②  0.4 MPa ,火灾报警信号
③  1.2 MPa ,火灾报警信号
④  0.4 MPa ,压力开关
【单选题】 按热媒的不同分采暖系统可分为热水采暖系统 、蒸汽采暖系统两种系统。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 散热器集中系统宜按75℃/50℃连续供暖进行设计,且供水温度不宜大于85℃,供回水温差不宜小于( )。
①  40℃
②  100℃
③  20℃
【单选题】 热水采暖系统供水干管的末端和回水干管的始端管径不宜小于()mm。?
①  15?
②  10??
③  20?
④  25?
【单选题】 以下不属于热水供暖系统常用定压方式的是()。??
①  气压水罐定压?
②  开式高位膨胀水箱定压
③  补给水泵定压
④  密闭式膨胀水箱定压?