It was a minor illness, and she soon ____ it. ?
got over ?
got on with ?
got around ?
got out ?
【单选题】 She got married although her parents had not given her their ___.
①  allowance
②  consent
③  permit
④  appreciation
【单选题】 If we hadn’t got a lift, we ____ the top flat so soon.
①  would not reach
②  can not reach
③  could not have reached
④  will not reach
【单选题】 03. I promised to look_________ the matter as soon as I got there.
①  for
②  in
③  into
④  after
【单选题】 And what we got to __________ is a disgrace.
①  come up with
②  catch up with
③  put up with
④  keep up with
【单选题】 Before I got to the cinema, the film _______.
①  had finished
②  has finished
③  was finishing
【单选题】 The prince and princess got married and lived happily ( ).
①  ever after
②  even if
③  now that
④  provided that
【单选题】 They’ve got a special ( ) to encourage research.
①  grant
②  impact
③  outcome
④  grade
【单选题】 When I got there, Henry ____ to the hospital.
①  had been sent
②  would send
③  was sent
④  would be sent
【单选题】 It is in the afternoon _______ he got the bad news.
①  when
②  where
③  that
④  how
【单选题】 I was ( ) to be writing an essay but I got sidetracked.
①  suppose
②  ready
③  readily
④  supposed
【单选题】 有关容量瓶的使用正确的是( )
①  通常可以用容量瓶代替试剂瓶使用
②  先将固体药品转入容量瓶后加水溶解配制标准溶液
③  用后洗净用烘箱烘干
④  定容时,无色溶液弯月面下缘和标线相切即可
【判断题】 叔碳正离子的稳定性最强。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 二氯丙烷的同分异构有几种( )
①  2
②  3
③  4
④  5
【单选题】 班主任应该坚持的原则不包括()。
①  坚持公正公平,避免晕轮效应
②  坚持生命至上,运用期望效应
③  对处境不利儿童给予关照与呵护
④  坚持促进学生完全自由发展
【单选题】 ()年10月,中共中央关于制定“十三五”规划建议的时候,提出普及高中阶段教育的问题。
①  2015
②  2016
③  2017
④  2018
【单选题】 本课程提到,行动研究法要以()为本位。
①  教师
②  学术
③  学生
④  学校
【单选题】 产教融合的基础是()。
①  竞争发展
②  跨界融合
③  实现共赢
④  安全发展
【单选题】 根据本课程,教师工资在全国十九大行业中已上升至()。
①  第六位
②  第七位
③  第八位
④  第九位
【多选题】 面向基础教育的互联网服务平台包括()。
①  在线课程
②  教学平台
③  混合学习
④  题库类
⑤  辅导班
【多选题】 根据本课程,习近平总书记在座谈时强调,教师要做“四有”好青年,即()。
①  有理想信念
②  有道德情操
③  有扎实知识
④  有仁爱之心
⑤  有文化素养