The engineers are going through with their highway project, ____the expenses have risen.
even though
just because
now that
as though
【单选题】 Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have _______ of fat.
①  a large number
②  the large number
③  a large amount
④  the large a mount
【单选题】 It has been raining all day, but even though it______, we______there by tomorrow.
①  didnt rain, couldn’t get
②  hadn’t rained, couldn’t get
③  didn’t rain, can’t get
④  hadn’t rained, can’t get
【单选题】 He _______ driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby.
①  insisted on
②  insisted at
③  insisted that
④  insisted in
【单选题】 He_____ comb his hair at the table, even though he knows I don’ t like it.
①  shall
②  may
③  will
④  can
【单选题】 Seeing the enemy, the hero was behaving as though nothing______.
①  was happening
②  would happen
③  had happened
④  happened
【单选题】 Though faced with many difficulties, he would not _______ online learning.
①  give up
②  get through
③  get by
④  give in
【单选题】 Li Ling acted that way as though he a foreigner.
①  should be
②  were
③  is
④  had been
【单选题】 Li Ling acted that way as though he a foreigner.
①  should be
②  were
③  is
④  had been
【单选题】 Her parents objected to ____ that farmer, though he has a lot of money.?
①  her marrying ?
②  marrying ?
③  marry ?
④  her marrying with?
【单选题】 These goods are _____ for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market.
①  essentially
②  completely
③  necessarily
④  remarkably
【单选题】 王昌龄《从军行(其四)》中最能体现诗人语言概括力极强的一句是( )。
①  青海长云暗雪山
②  孤城遥望玉门关
③  黄沙百战穿金甲
④  不破楼兰终不还
【单选题】 王昌龄《从军行(其四)》抒发的情感是( )。
①  慷慨报国之情
②  思乡恋家之感
③  军旅战友之义
④  征伐掳掠之悲
【单选题】 “黄沙百战穿金甲”一句中用到了( )个意象。
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  4
【多选题】 下列称号属于王昌龄的有( )。
①  王江宁
②  诗家夫子
③  七绝圣手
④  王龙标
【单选题】 《登幽州台歌》属于( )体式。
③  骈体文
④  辞赋体
【单选题】 下列关于“骠骑”一词的读音正确的是( )。
①  biào qí
②  piào jí
③  biào jì
④  piào qí
【单选题】 李白字( ),号( )。
①  永叔,六一居士
②  子美,东坡居士
③  乐天,香山居士
④  太白,青莲居士
【单选题】 下列对《登岳阳楼》的分析,错误的一项是( )。
①  《登岳阳楼》是杜甫青年时期的作品。
②  《登岳阳楼》中,“昔、今”二字有深刻的含意。
③  《登岳阳楼》颔联形象逼真地描画了洞庭湖水势浩瀚无边无际的巨大形象。
④  《登岳阳楼》意境宏大,炼字炼句准确。
【单选题】 “青海长云暗雪山,孤城遥望玉门关”中的“长云”意为( )。
①  长方形的云
②  绵延很长的云
③  层层浓云
④  远处的云
【多选题】 下列属于“山水田园诗派”的诗人有( )。
①  王维
②  孟浩然
③  李白
④  杜甫