Keep your office space looking good, ( ) your desk.
【单选题】 _______ is your girlfriend like?She is very kind and good-looking.
①  How
②  What
③  Which
④  Who
【单选题】 Thank you for your time. I’m looking forward to ______.
①  you reply
②  your reply
③  you answer
④  you to answer
【单选题】 The best way to make money in your business is to take good ( ) of the people on your team.
①  energy
②  use
③  care
④  profit
【单选题】 Every one of you is looking forward ___ getting a good result. Better think carefully before writing down your answers. Wish you success!
①  ?on
②  ? in
③  ?to
④  ? of
【单选题】 _____your help, everything in the room is in good order now.
①  Since
②  Because
③  Thanks for
④  Thanks to
【单选题】 You need [填空] good care of your mother.
①  to take
②  take
③  taking
④  took
【单选题】 David, there a dictionary and some books on your desk. Please put them away.
①  is
②  are
③  have
④  has
【单选题】 Good evening, madam. Would you like your hair ( )?
①  done
②  doing
③  did
④  do
【单选题】 David, there-------a dictionary and some books on your desk. Please put them away.
①  is
②  are
③  have
④  has
【单选题】 A pen pal provides good motivation for your writing because he or she ____.
①  lives far away from you
②  knows China a lot so that you can have a lot to talk about
③  also keeps a diary
④  may inform you of many interesting things in his or her culture
【单选题】 当需要了解行为的自然状态或对一些隐秘行为进行研究时,最好采用( )。
①  个案研究法
②  调查法
③  测验法
④  观察法
【单选题】 用“道德两难法”让儿童对道德问题进行判断的心理学家是( )。
①  皮亚杰
②  科尔伯格
③  班杜拉
④  奥苏贝尔
【单选题】 先行组织者教学技术常用于( )。
①  发现学习
②  接受学习
③  个别化教学
④  程序教学
【单选题】 要求学生分辨勇敢和鲁莽、谦让和退缩是刺激的( )。
①  获得
②  消退
③  泛化
④  分化
【单选题】 能够最大限度地调动学生的学习积极性,并有利于改善同伴关系的课堂目标结构类型是( )。
①  竞争型
②  合作型
③  个体化型
④  放任型
【单选题】 按照加涅的学习结果分类观点,学会陈述观念是学习了( )。
①  智慧技能
②  认知策略
③  言语信息
④  动作技能
【单选题】 分配学生座位时,教师最需要关注的应该是( )。
①  对人际关系的影响
②  减少课堂混乱
③  听课的效果
④  家长的意见
【单选题】 受过去经验和习惯的影响而产生的心理活动的准备状态是( )。
①  定势
②  定义
③  变式
④  同化
【单选题】 认知内驱力、自我提高内驱力和附属内驱力在动机结构中所占的比重并非一成不变。在( )附属内驱力最为突出。
①  儿童早期
②  少年期
③  青年初期
④  成年期
【单选题】 自我形象受到空前关注是在( )。
①  小学阶段
②  初中阶段
③  高中阶段
④  大学阶段