As a ( ) student, he enjoys many conveniences and resources which are only wild wishes for other average ones.
【判断题】 He enjoys?playing?football.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Only by shouting at the top of his voice ____.
①  he was able to make himself hear
②  he was able to make himself heard
③  was he able to make himself heard
④  was he able to make himself hear
【单选题】 Which are [填空] ,the black eyes or the blue ones?
①  beautiful
②  much beautiful
③  more beautiful
④  beautifuler
【单选题】 A ( ) is a second-year student in college, which means “student with more wisdom”.
①  freshman
②  sophomore
③  junior
④  senior
【单选题】 It may only be through repeated experiments _______ a baby will come to accept the idea _______ other people can have different views from what he or she has.
①  how;which
②  how;that
③  that;that
④  which;which
【多选题】 He was on the top of the mountain,and he had ______ breathing.
①  A.problems
②  B..trouble
③  C.question
④  D.puzzle
【单选题】 —How many poor counties will there be in our province by 2020?—There will be only a few, if _______.
①  much
②  some
③  any
④  many
【单选题】 —How many poor counties will there be in our province by 2010?—There will be only a few, if _______.
①  much
②  some
③  any
④  many
【判断题】 A: Who is the boy? B: He is a student.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Many people prefer large cars, ___ large cars are safer than small ones.
①  think
②  to think
③  having thought
④  thinking
【单选题】 不属于良好人际关系所包含的内容的是:
①  相互认同
②  情感相容
③  行为近似
④  相互需要
【单选题】 ( ) 是个体对自身情绪的觉察或知觉能力,它是情绪自我控制的基础,是自我觉知能力的一个重要方面。
①  情绪自我体验能力
②  情绪管理能力
③  情绪自我觉知能力
④  情绪控制能力
【单选题】 耶克斯—道德森定律指出情绪与活动效率的关系呈( )关系。
①  正比
②  反比
③  U型曲线
④  倒U型曲线
【单选题】 要使情绪对个体产生积极作用,除控制情绪外,还要善于表达自己的情绪。下列不属于要善于表达情绪的原因的是:
①  只有善于表达情绪,才会对别人产生情绪感染。
②  善于表达情绪,才会使别人理解自己的情绪。
③  通过情绪提供给他人恰当的信息,与他人进行恰当的沟通交流。
④  人与人之间的矛盾和冲突是无力改变的。
【单选题】 ( )是指人们体验到一种幸福后,对同一个或同一类幸福的渴求度就会递减,当达到一定程度时,渴求度会变为零,幸福感也就变为零了。
①  幸福感的递减性
②  幸福的削弱
③  渴求的递减性
④  渴求的削弱
【单选题】 ( )是个体对现在状态的一种认知、体验和感受。
①  目前利益
②  未来利益
③  现实利益
④  梦想利益
【单选题】 通常 ( )的满足,得到的快乐是短暂的,得到的幸福体验也是短暂的,并且这种满足有一个限度,不可能无穷尽地满足。
①  心理需要
②  精神需要
③  物质需要
④  成功需要
【单选题】 幸福是一种乐观的体验和( )。
①  感受
②  性格
③  欲望
④  情绪
【单选题】 现代积极心理学运动的发起人,被称为“积极心理学之父”的是
①  威廉.詹姆斯
②  泰勒.本.沙哈尔
③  西格蒙德.弗洛伊德
④  马丁.塞利格曼
【单选题】 以下哪项是负面情绪?
①  警觉
②  活跃
③  焦虑
④  鼓舞