She gave a ( ) performance as the leading role in the school play, and the active atmosphere filled the theater.

【单选题】 She could not stand the air-conditioner in the hall, [] she left in the middle of the performance.
①  or
②  and
③  but
④  so
【单选题】 She is filled with ( )for her own college days.
①  nostalgic
②  nostalgy
③  nostalgia
④  remember
【单选题】 The school was named ________ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the liberation.
①  for
②  with
③  after
④  about
【单选题】 It takes a lot of ____ to put on a school play such as King Lear.
①  organization
②  arrangement
③  management
④  preparation
【单选题】 It was the information that she collected there ( ) gave her great help.
①  was
②  what
③  that
④  later
【单选题】 She never married and she never went to school____________ .
①  either
②  also
③  too
④  neither
【单选题】 The school committee hoped that their choice of play would be ______ with the students and their parents.
①  recognized
②  popular
③  favorable
④  fascinated
【单选题】 Does Tim often play [填空] basketball after [填空] school?
①  /,/
②  /,the
③  the,/
④  a,//
【单选题】 She was protesting against ______ government telling students what they should and should not eat at school.
①  bossy
②  patient
③  kind
④  fragile
【判断题】 The girl is made to do her homework right after she comes from school.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 关于盆底肌纤维中的快肌纤维说法错误的是
①  I类肌纤维
②  II类肌纤维
③  是平滑肌纤维
④  咳嗽、喷嚏腹压增高时的收缩反射肌束,控尿及性功能
⑤  Ⅱ型肌纤维中参与无氧氧化过程的酶活性较高
【单选题】 关于盆底肌的描述哪个是错误的
①  盆底肌是骨骼肌的一种
②  盆底肌通过肌纤维的收缩和舒张发挥其功能
③  盆底肌受自主神经支配
④  盆底肌由快肌纤维和慢肌纤维两种类型肌纤维组成
⑤  盆底肌受运动神经支配发挥功能
【单选题】 盆底肌电评估时,监测腹肌及盆底肌肌电值的最根本原因是?
①  帮助患者实现最大盆底肌收缩
②  确定患者是否只是进行盆底肌的收缩
③  检测时相性和强直性肌肉活动
④  判断腹肌是否有强直性收缩
⑤  以上都不对
【单选题】 Glazer评估第一步基线采集60秒的临床意义是什么?
①  评估盆底肌群静息状态下的肌张力
②  评估盆底肌群快肌纤维的功能状态
③  评估盆底肌群快肌纤维和慢肌纤维混合工作的功能状态
④  评估盆底肌群慢肌纤维的功能状态
⑤  评估盆底肌群耐疲劳度
【单选题】 盆底骨骼肌肌电活动所测信号为:( )
①  EEG
②  MRI
③  Ultrasound
④  GSR
⑤  EMG
【单选题】 Glazer评估中,对患者平躺体位要求是( )
①  上身120度平躺,双足踝外旋互成60度
②  上身60度平躺,双足踝外旋互成120度
③  上身120度平躺,双足踝外旋互成120度
④  上身60度平躺,双足踝外旋互成60度
⑤  上身和下肢之间没有角度的要求
【单选题】 以下关于Glazer评估的描述,错误的是( )
①  Glazer评估由美国康奈尔医学院Glazer教授提出
②  Glazer评估是全球唯一标准化盆底表面肌电定量评估方案
③  Glazer评估在世界范围内广泛应用于尿失禁、盆底痛等盆底疾病
④  Glazer评估全程无语音及视频提示,没有数据库
⑤  Glazer评估是在标准的检测体位下进行标准化盆底肌电检测的一种检测方法。
【单选题】 下列关于膀胱正常功能说法错误的是
①  能够容纳 800ml
②  1000 ml 尿液
③  能够感觉膀胱的胀满
④  能够适应不同容量的变化而无膀胱内压力的显著变化
⑤  能够启动并维持膀胱逼尿肌收缩直至膀胱排空
⑥  能够随意启动和终止排尿
【单选题】 尿失禁最主要的临床表现是( )
①  阴道炎
②  盆腔痛
③  性生活障碍
④  不自主的经尿道漏尿
⑤  盆腔炎
【单选题】 压力性尿失禁是指什么情况下的尿失禁:( )
①  盆底肌肌肉痉挛
②  腹压的增加(如:咳嗽、打喷嚏等)
③  膀胱逼尿肌在充盈期的间歇性收缩
④  药物的副作用
⑤  听闻水声或看见水流出现的尿频尿急,没到达厕所即漏尿的现象