【单选题】 以下不是含钾丰富的食物的是?
①  香菇
②  苹果
③  香蕉
④  柑橘
【判断题】 老年人多便秘,应多食含纤维素高的蔬菜与水果。蔬菜中以茭白、韭菜、菠菜、芹菜、丝瓜、藕等含纤维素多,水果中以柿子、葡萄、杏子、鸭梨、苹果、香蕉、西红柿等含纤维素多
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 以下不是自杀危险信号的是( )。
①  直接、间接的表达不想活了
②  情绪焦虑不安,明显不同以往
③  有想死的念头,但下不了决心
④  有反常的行为
【单选题】 以下不是酒的是( )。
①  新醅
②  绿蚁
③  金波
④  清友
【单选题】 以下不是包衣目的的是
①  隔绝配伍变化
②  掩盖药物的不良臭味
③  改善片剂的外观
④  加速药物的释放
【单选题】 以下不属于非细菌性食物中毒的是( )。
①  肉毒杆菌中毒
②  化学性食物中毒
③  有毒的动植物性食物中毒
④  霉变食物中毒
【单选题】 古代胎教要求孕妇要禁食有毒食物,以下不属于有毒食物的是()。
①  螃蟹
②  生姜
③  牛肉
④  兔肉
【单选题】 以下不是Linkedin的作用的是( )
①  张贴分发工作职位信息
②  管理并公开有关自己的专业信息
③  创建和进行项目合作,收集数据,共享文件
④  不能查找并自荐给潜在的客户
【单选题】 以下不是区间码的是()
①  多面码
②  十进位码
③  上下关联区间码
④  二进位码
【单选题】 以下不是盘点技巧的是( )。
①  零整分放、盘整加零法
②  压码加零法
③  检尺求积法
④  固定标签记销计存法
【单选题】 In Africa, educational costs are very low for those who are ____ enough to get into universities.
①  ambitious
②  fortunate
③  aggressive
④  substantial
【单选题】 There were some ____ flowers on the table.
①  artificial
②  unnatural
③  false
④  unreal
【单选题】 This is the nurse who ____ to me when I was ill in hospital.
①  accompanied
②  attended
③  entertained
④  shielded
【单选题】 、Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only ____ to his confusion.
①  extended
②  amounted
③  added
④  turned
【单选题】 Because women often ____ their diet to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.
①  restrict
②  strict
③  stuck
④  construct
【单选题】 He was such a ____ speaker that he held our attention every minute of the three-hour lecture.
①  specific
②  dynamic
③  heroic
④  diplomatic
【单选题】 Radio, television and press ____ of conveying news as information.
①  are the most common three means
②  are the most three common means
③  are the three most common means
④  are three the most common means
【单选题】 He tried to _______relations with his former wife but he failed.
①  measure
②  maintain
③  shelter
④  reply
【单选题】 In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relative play ___ roles in raising children.
①  incapable
②  indispensable
③  insensible
④  infinite
【单选题】 My camera can be ____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.
①  treated
②  adjusted
③  adopted
④  remedied