【单选题】 开放性损伤有什么破损者称穿透伤
①  皮肤
②  腹膜
③  肌肉
④  骨骼
⑤  筋膜
【单选题】 会阴裂伤预防包括哪些?
①  会阴热敷
②  会阴按摩
③  会阴保护
④  会阴切开术
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 以下是会阴自然裂伤伤口特点,那一项除外?
①  伤口不整齐
②  对运动影响小
③  较难愈合
④  疼痛感较轻
⑤  出血较少
【单选题】 会阴裂伤分()级
①  2
②  3
③  4
④  5
【单选题】 产钳产伤不包括:
①  帽状腱膜下血肿
②  颅内血肿
③  撕裂或擦伤
④  面神经瘫
【多选题】 护士锐器伤前四位为()。
①  处理医疗废物
②  拔出静脉输液针头
③  配置静脉药物
④  传递器械
⑤  针头回套针帽
【单选题】 以下措施不是减少锐器伤的措施为
①  调整给药途径,减少不必要的注射
②  提高意识减少职业暴露,发生及时处理
③  徒手拔除针头
④  使用安全器具,留置针
⑤  规范使用锐器盒
【单选题】 脑挫裂伤CT表现为
①  局部呈低密度改变
②  散在点片状出血
③  占位表现
④  局部有水肿
⑤  以上都对
【单选题】 为防止锐器伤,下述操作行为正确的是( )
①  禁止双手回套针帽
②  掰开安瓿制剂时应垫无菌纱布
③  通过三通管去针头加药
④  使用后的锐器直接投入锐器盒内
⑤  以上都正确
【单选题】 医院恶性伤医事件不包括()
①  功能障碍
②  永久性残疾
③  死亡
④  不能工作
⑤  电话骚扰
【单选题】 He did me a _____turn by lending me ten pounds.
①  good
②  nice
③  fine
④  pretty
【单选题】 Not until three years ago _____ to work outside.
①  he began
②  he begins
③  began he
④  did he begin
【单选题】 I _____him the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during the Christmas holidays.
①  ought to have sent
②  couldn’t have sent
③  must have sent
④  needn’t have sent
【单选题】 My friend and adviser _____ to lend me his money.
①  have agreed
②  has agreed
③  agreed
④  are agreed
【单选题】 When he bent down to tie his shoelace, the belt of his trousers _____.
①  ruined
②  cracked
③  broke
④  split
【单选题】 In today’s newspaper, it _____ that there will be a new election tomorrow.
①  tells
②  states
③  writes
④  records
【单选题】 _____ in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown.
①  Unpopular has as white been
②  White has been as unpopular
③  Unpopular has been as white
④  Unpopular as white has been
【单选题】 My grandfather accidentally _____ fire to the house.
①  put
②  took
③  set
④  got
【单选题】 I’d rather you _____by train because the weather forecast said there would be heavy snow tomorrow.
①  went
②  should go
③  will go
④  go
【单选题】 We enjoyed the holiday _____the expense.
①  except
②  besides
③  in addition to
④  except for