【判断题】 一般墙体砌筑的标高常用皮数杆控制。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 砖基础的采用等高式大放脚的做法,一般为每2皮砖挑出( )的砌筑方法。
①  一皮砖
②  3/4砖
③  1/2砖
④  l/4砖
【单选题】 砌块砌筑时,竖向灰缝的砂浆饱满度应不小于()。(第四章知识点10砖砌体施工)
①  79%
②  80%
③  90%
④  100%
【单选题】 每层承重墙的最上面一皮砖,在梁或梁垫的下面,应用( )砌筑。
①  丁砖
②  一顺一丁
③  三顺一丁
④  全顺砌法
【单选题】 砖砌体水平灰缝饱满度应不小于()。(第四章知识点11砖砌体砌筑要求)
①  75%  
②  90% 
③  80%  
④  100%
【判断题】 砌体结构就是由块体和砂浆砌筑而成的受力结构,是砖砌体、砌块砌体和石砌体结构的统 称。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 砌筑砖墙要有一定的组砌方式,是因为()。(第四章知识点10砖砌体施工)
①  减少砍砖次数
②  保证墙面美观
③  保证墙体的整体稳定
④  施工方便
【判断题】 为了提高砖基础砌筑质量,宜使用混合砂浆砌筑
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 普通砖砌体结构,采用水泥砂浆砌筑时,其强度设计值应乘以调整系数0.9。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 砖墙每日砌筑高度不得大于()。(第四章知识点10砖砌体施工)
①  1.8m
②  1.2m
③  2.0m
④  2.5m
【单选题】 _______ girl dressed _______ black is her sister Rose.
①  A; in
②  A; on
③  The; on
④  The; in
【单选题】 Spitting on the ground is not only ______ but also harmful to others’ health.
①  blasting
②  banging
③  grabbing
④  disgusting
【单选题】 It was on the beach ______ Miss White found the kid lying dead.
①  that
②  this
③  it
④  which
【单选题】 The old houses are being pulled down to _______ a new office block.
①  make room for
②  make use of
③  take the place of
④  supply with
【单选题】 It is generally considered unwise to give a child ______ he or she wants.
①  however
②  whatever
③  whichever
④  whenever
【单选题】 Those who have applied for the post()in the office.
①  are being interviewed
②  are interviewing
③  interviewing
④  to be interviewing
【单选题】 As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to ____ it.
①  postpone
②  refuse
③  delay
④  cancel
【单选题】 establish a __________
①  new product
②  public company
③  sole trader
④  limited company
【单选题】 If one ()  by vanity, he will be very particular about other’s clothing and appearance.
①  overcomes
②  is overcome
③  overcame
④  has been overcame
【单选题】 Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _______ and disorder!
①  mess
②  mass
③  guess
④  bus