【单选题】 资产负债表分析的目的是()。
①  评价企业的会计政策
②  说明资产负债表的编制方法
③  了解企业财务状况的变动情况
④  修正资产负债表的数据
⑤  评价企业会计对企业经营状况的反映程度
【多选题】 资产负债表分析的目的是()。
①  评价企业的会计政策
②  说明资产负债表的编制方法
③  了解企业财务状况的变动情况
④  修正资产负债表的数据
⑤  评价企业会计对企业经营状况的反映程度
【多选题】 (多选)下列不属于资产负债表中“流动资产”项目的是( )。
①  预收款项
②  应收账款
③  预付账款
④  持有至到期投资
【单选题】 下列各项中,属于资产负债表中流动负债项目的是(  )。
①  长期借款
②  预付款项
③  应付股利
④  应付债券
【多选题】 下列各项中,不属于资产负债表中“非流动资产”项目的有( )。
①  应收票据及应收账款
②  存货
③  在建工程
④  长期股权投资
⑤  货币资金
【单选题】 ()指标属于资产负债表比率。
①  营运资产周转率
②  存货周转率
③  流动比率
④  存货对营运资本比率
⑤  资产负债率
【多选题】 ()指标属于资产负债表比率。
①  营运资产周转率
②  存货周转率
③  流动比率
④  存货对营运资本比率
⑤  资产负债率
【多选题】 (多选)资产负债表中,属于流动负债项目的有( )。
①  短期借款
②  应付利息
③  应付债券
④  应付票据
【单选题】 下列项目中,属于资产负债表中非流动资产项目的是(  )。
①  应收股利
②  存货
③  长期借款
④  工程物资
【单选题】 资产负债表中的“短期借款”项目填制的依据是( )。
①  短期借款账户所属明细账户期末余额
②  短期借款和长期借款两账户期末余额
③  短期借款总分类账户期末余额
④  短期借款总分类账户期末余额和所属明细账户期末余额
【单选题】 Supposing the weather ___ bad, where would you go?
①  is
②  will be
③  were
④  be
【单选题】 We wont know whether it will be successful. We wont know whether there will be good ___.
①  ends
②  results
③  effects
④  causes
【单选题】 It has always been the ___ of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social activities.
①  plan
②  campaign
③  procedure
④  policy
【单选题】 He has left his book here on___, so that you can read it.
①  purpose
②  intention
③  aim
④  meaning
【单选题】 If I ___ it, I would do it in a different way.
①  were to do
②  do
③  had done
④  was to do
【单选题】 If he ___ he ___ that food.
①  was warned; would not take
②  had been warned; would not have taken
③  would be warned; had not taken
④  would have been warned; had not taken
【单选题】 Information has been put forward ___ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.
①  while
②  that
③  when
④  as
【单选题】 This is ___ the Shenzhou V Spaceship landed.
①  there
②  in which
③  where
④  when
【单选题】 The order came ___ the soldiers ___ the small village the next morning.
①  that; had to leave
②  that; should leave
③  /; must leave
④  when; should leave
【单选题】 The question came up at the meeting ___ we had enough money for our research.
①  that
②  which
③  whether
④  if