It is said that people can ______ or deposit money from bank through facial recognition, ie, they don’t have to use a bank card.
【单选题】 It is said that people can ______ or deposit money from bank through facial recognition, ie, they dont have to use a bank card.
①  snatch
②  rob
③  draw
④  pull
【单选题】 She went to the bank to____________ her money.
①  call in
②  draw out
③  find out
④  suffer from
【单选题】 Why not buy a cheaper one, ___ you don’t have enough money?
①  since
②  because
③  for
④  though
【单选题】 It may only be through repeated experiments _______ a baby will come to accept the idea _______ other people can have different views from what he or she has.
①  how;which
②  how;that
③  that;that
④  which;which
【单选题】 Don’t borrow money [填空] her.
①  from
②  to
③  for
④  in
【单选题】 —Someof the plastic bags can’t______after June 1. —Yes, people will use environmental bags instead.
①  are used
②  be used
③  be use
④  use
【单选题】 25. I can’t go—for one thing, I have no money, and ___, I have too much work.
①  what’s more 
②  as well 
③  for another 
④  in addition
【单选题】 Don’t forget ______ some money with you.
①  bringing
②  to bring
【单选题】 Visitor: How do I get to the bank? I have no knowledge of this area.   Policeman: Cross the road and turn left at the other side. __________ for about 100 meters and the bank is to your left.
①  Continue your walking
②  Keep going straight
③  Go along
④  Go on walking
【单选题】 Visitor: How do I get to the bank? I have no knowledge of this area.   Policeman: Cross the road and turn left at the other side. __________ for about 100 meters and the bank is to your left.
①  Continue your walking
②  Keep going straight
③  Go along
④  Go on walking
【单选题】 ___ is reported in the newspaper, talks between the two countries are making progress.
①  It
②  As
③  That
④  What
【单选题】 They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house __________.
①  is being rebuilt
②  has been rebuilt
③  is rebuilt
④  has rebuilt
【单选题】 在下列核算组织程序中,被称为最基本的会计核算组织程序的是( )
①  记账凭证核算组织程序
②  汇总记账凭证核算组织程序
③  科目汇总表核算组织程序
④  日记总账核算组织程序
【单选题】 所有者权益变动表是( )
①  利润表的附表
②  资产负债表的附表
③  现金流量表的附表
④  会计报表的主表
【判断题】 科目汇总表也是一种具有汇总性质的记账凭证。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 常用的实物财产清查方法包括( )。
①  实地盘点法
②  技术推算法
③  函证核对法
④  抽样盘点法
⑤  永续盘存法
【多选题】 下列各项中,不属于资产负债表中“非流动资产”项目的有( )。
①  应收票据及应收账款
②  存货
③  在建工程
④  长期股权投资
⑤  货币资金
【单选题】 对债权债务的清查应采用的方法是( )
①  询证核对法
②  实地盘点法
③  技术推算法
④  抽样盘存法
【单选题】 编制会计报表时,以“资产=负债+所有者权益”这一会计等式作为编制依据的会计报表是( )
①  利润表
②  所有者权益变动表
③  资产负债表
④  现金流量表
【单选题】 一般而言,单位撤销、合并时,要进行( )
①  定期清查
②  全面清查
③  局部清查
④  实地清查