I found the book you recommended in the library, ______ is missing.
the front cover of which
the front cover of that
that front cover
of what front cover
【单选题】 The cover of the book _______ comfortable. It’s made of silk.
①  tastes
②  feels
③  looks
④  sounds
【单选题】 ____ of whether you are ill or not, I want you to cover the story of today’s conference on the environment.
①  Regardless
②  Despite
③  Even
④  Considering
【单选题】 At last this intermezzo _____, and I found myself in front of the gigantic City Hall.
①  came to an end
②  came to the end
③  came to end
④  came to ending
【单选题】 I _______ that singer closely as I was sitting in the front of the bar.
①  saw
②  watched
③  observed
【单选题】 When you are______, sit at the front edge of the chair, leaning forward slightly.
①  seated
②  fixed
③  rested
④  decided
【单选题】 This bright girl __________ the truth in front of the enemy.
①  didn’t say
②  couldn’t speak to
③  said
④  didn’t tell
【判断题】 在循环队列中,若尾指针rear大于头指针front,其元素个数为rear-front。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 This bright girl______ the truth in front of the enemy.
①  didn’t say
②  couldn’t speak to
③  said
④  didn’t tell
【单选题】 The humble bell-boy ______ his tongue reprovingly in front of the princess.
①  flipped
②  chuckled
③  clucked
④  flickered
【单选题】 A well-organized Front office is ( ) to the smooth running of any hotel.
①  essence
②  essential
③  essentially
④  lessen
【单选题】 若已定义intarr[10];则不能正确引用arr数组元素的是()。
①  arr[0]
②  arr[1]
③  arr[10-1]
④  arr[7+3]
【单选题】 下面叙述正确的是()
①  每行最多只能写两条语句
②  程序中必需含有自定义函数
【单选题】 main()函数的位置()。
①  必须在自定义函数前面
②  可以在自定义函数后面
③  必须位于程序的最前面
④  必须在自定义函数后面
①  4
②  3
③  6
④  5
【单选题】 当顺利执行了文件关闭操作时,fclose函数的返回值是()。
①  1
②  0
③  -1
④  一个非0值
【单选题】 下面叙述错误的是()。
③  预处理命令行必须以分号结束
④  C源程序中加入一些预处理命令是为了改进程序设计环境,提高编程效率
①  1
②  3
③  14
④  28
①  67,D
②  C,D
③  C,68
④  67,68
【单选题】 若有定义:intx,a;赋值语句a=(x%3==0)?0:1;与()语句不等价。
①  if(x%3!=0)a=1;elsea=0;
②  if(x%3)a=0;elsea=1;
③  if(x%3==0)a=0;elsea=1;
④  if(!(x%3==0))a=1;elsea=0;
【单选题】 以下程序段运行后x的值为()。inta[8]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},i,x=0;for(i=0;ii++,i++)x=x+a[i];
①  36
②  16
③  20
④  18