The workshop has ( ) down and the workers are unemployed.
【单选题】 In such an emergency, one has no time to think carefully but to act ( ).
①  exactly
②  precisely
③  hastily
④  instinctively
【单选题】 Put it down, Richard. You mustnt read ____ letter.
①  anyones elses
②  anyones else
③  anyone elses
④  anyone else
【单选题】 “If anybody ___, please put down ___ name,” said the teacher to the monitor.
①  ?wants to buy the book/his
②  ?want to buy the book/their
③  ?will buy the book/one’s
④  ?wants to have the book bought/her
【单选题】 As a result of the unfavorable working conditions, the project has to be put off ____ .
①  temporarily
②  tremendously
③  traditionally
④  typically
【单选题】 It has always been the ___ of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social activities.
①  plan
②  campaign
③  procedure
④  policy
【单选题】 As a result of the unfavorable working conditions, the project has to be put off____.
①  temporarily
②  tremendously
③  traditionally
④  typically
【单选题】 Information has been put forward ___ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.
①  while
②  that
③  when
④  as
【单选题】 Charles regretted ______ the TV set last year. The price has now come down.
①  buying
②  to buy
③  of
④  from
【单选题】 38. In recent years much more emphasis has been put______ developing the students productive skills.
①  onto
②  in
③  over
④  on
【单选题】 A: Could you put the books on bookshelves, please? B: Of course. [填空] A: Thats all. Everything else has been done.
①  Its a pleasure to help.
②  Is that all?
③  Im free now.
④  How should I do it?
【单选题】 下列社会关系中属于民法调整对象的是
①  公安机关对无名尸体案件进行侦查
②  国家检察机关对领导干部受贿行为进行调查
③  市容管理局对街边乱摆摊行为进行整治
④  法院因干警学习需要购买一批专业书籍
【单选题】 人民调解制度普遍发展于()。
①  工农民主政权时期
②  抗日民主政府时期
③  解放战争时期
④  解放后
【单选题】 《中华苏维埃共和国宪法大纲》规定苏维埃国家的政治制度是()。
①  民主集中制
②  工农兵代表大会制
③  人民代表大会制
④  责任内阁制
【单选题】 中华民国时期,被称为“袁记宪法”的是( )。  
①  《中华民国临时约法》
②  《中华民国约法》
③  《中华民国宪法》(1923年)
④  《中华民国宪法》(1946)
【单选题】 袁记约法规定实行( )。
①  责任内阁制
②  总统制
③  君主制
④  委员会制
【单选题】 《重大信条十九条》公布于( )。
①  1908
②  1911
③  1928
④  1946
【单选题】 中国最后一部封建律典是()。
①  《大清现行刑律》
②  《大清律例》
③  《大清新刑律》
④  D.《暂行刑律》
【单选题】 清代将经秋审、朝审决定留待来年再审的案件称为( )。
①  情实
②  缓决
③  可矜
④  留养承祀
【单选题】 清末修律中正式公布实施的法律有()。
①  大清新刑律
②  公司律
③  大清现行刑律
④  大清新民律
【单选题】 清朝时,中央负责审理关系少数民族的重大案件的机关是()。
①  刑部
②  宣政院
③  理藩院
④  都察院