It was the information that she collected there ( ) gave her great help.
【单选题】 She has collected a great [填空]of foreign stamps.
①  number
②  place
③  image
④  lot
【单选题】 The only pleasure that Einstein ____ his great fame was the ability it gave him to help others.
①  resulted from
②  stirred up
③  turned out
④  derived from
【单选题】 15. She suffered great mental_____ after her husband died, and as a result she became mad.
①  anger
②  . discomfort
③  unhappiness
④  anguish
【单选题】 —Yangyang carried off the first winter Olympic ___ medal for China.—Great! What ____ she won for our motherland!
①  golden/ honor
②  gold/ honor
③  golden/ honors
④  gold/ honors
【多选题】 She collected_____________ fishes for the British Museum.
①  different types of
②  different kinds of
③  various kinds of
④  many kinds of
【单选题】 The great noise produced by the machine will sooner or later do ____ to the workers’ hearing.
①  damage
②  help
③  wrong
④  harm
【单选题】 – What are your great strengths?–
①  I am very shy.
②  My job offers me high income.
③  I am very active in discussion.
④  I was very shy.
【单选题】 — What are your great strengths?— .
①  I am very shy
②  My job offers me high income
③  I am very active in discussion
④  Ok
【单选题】 He studied hard in his youth, __________ contributed to his great success in later life.
①  that
②  it
③  what
④  which
【单选题】 Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
①  Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
②  cheerful
③  sad
④  selfish
【判断题】 狭义的课程是指所有学科的总和,或“为实现学校教育目标而选择的教育内容的总和,包括学校所教各门学科和有目的、有计划、有组织的课外活动”。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 泰罗认为,要调动人的工作积极性,主要依赖
①  物质刺激
②  精神鼓励
③  人际关系
④  工作认可
【判断题】 素质教育必须注重建立师生信息共享平台,为他们通过这个平台实现深入便捷的信息交流、沟通服务。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 实现学校教师人力资源的优化配置主要通过( )
①  教师人力资源规划
②  教师人力资源调整
③  教师人力资源评价
④  教师人力资源预测
【判断题】 教育理论是一个综合性的概念,是指教育科学知识的总和。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 教育法规具有法律的一般特点:规范性、强制性和
①  灵活性
②  稳定性
③  可塑性
④  可比性
【单选题】 教育评价工作必须从实际出发,在设计评价方案、制定评价标准、实施评价手段方法等环节中都要具有实践的可操作性。这强调的是教育评价的
①  实践性原则
②  可行性原则
③  方向性原则
④  科学性原则
【单选题】 完善校长负责制的关键即( )
①  党政分开
②  完善法制
③  理顺各方关系
④  建立高效的运行机制
【判断题】 考试的目的,就是为了检验学生掌握知识的程度、水平。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 人本管理是在管理活动中把( )作为管理的核心
①  A.人
③  人与事
④  工作成效