Only a few people spoke in ( ) of the proposal.
【单选题】 Not only the society but also the people in it ______.
①  has changed
②  have changed
③  have been changed
④  has been changed
【单选题】 —How many poor counties will there be in our province by 2020?—There will be only a few, if _______.
①  much
②  some
③  any
④  many
【单选题】 —How many poor counties will there be in our province by 2010?—There will be only a few, if _______.
①  much
②  some
③  any
④  many
【单选题】 Australia is one of the few countries ____ people drive on the left of the road.
①  which
②  that
③  where
④  on which
【单选题】 Nancy was the only woman to()the experiment and was among the few volunteers who died from it.
①  participate in
②  shared in
③  joined in
④  enter into
【单选题】 The British people and the American people not only speak the same language but ____ a lot of special customs as well.
①  share
②  spare
③  hold
④  carry
【单选题】 18. The mountain was ______ steep _____ few people in our city reached the top.
①  so…as
②  so…that
③  as…as
④  too…to
【单选题】 The new apartment built a few months ago is large enough to _____ over two hundred people.
①  contain
②  provide
③  reside
④  accommodate
【单选题】 Of the six people in the plane when it crashed, only one _____ . Everyone else died.
①  emerged
②  survived
③  existed
④  escaped
【单选题】 There are many people ___ only on-line activity is sending and receiving e-mails.
①  who
②  that
③  which
④  whose
【多选题】 校园文化的形成过程,是
①  一种对原有文化的传承与改造的过程
②  一种由文化主体不断创造、承载和发展的过程
③  一种不断获得上级表扬和肯定的过程
④  一种对文化构成要素进行充分整合的过程。
【单选题】 效益等于目标乘以
①  效果
②  效率
③  时间
④  能力
【单选题】 学校、幼儿园、托儿所的教职员工对未成年学生和儿童实施( ),情节严重的,由其所在单位或者上级机关给予行政处分。
①  批评教导
②  指责
③  体罚或变相体罚
【单选题】 在德育内容管理过程中,教育内容、教育时间、教育空间都要根据科学进行序列安排,使其横向一体化,纵向
①  序列化
②  规范化
③  科学化
④  逻辑化
【单选题】 主要研究学校日常行政工作重要问题的会议是
①  校务会议
②  教学例会
③  校长会议
④  行政会议
【单选题】 质量问题是全部管理活动的关键问题。广义的质量包括产品质量和
①  服务质量
②  员工质量
③  管理质量
④  工作质量
【单选题】 学校管理学是一门
①  理论科学
②  应用科学
③  自然科学
④  基础科学
【单选题】 学校体育工作管理除了具有学校管理共性之外,还具有强制性和
①  阶段性
②  群体性
③  互动性
④  协调性
【单选题】 学校管理者在学校管理过程中能时时体现教育性,处处着眼于育人的行为准则是指
①  教育性原则
②  民主性原则
③  规范性原则
④  系统性原则
【单选题】 学校管理学在我国开始起步的标志
①  《奏定学堂章程》颁布
②  杜佐周的《教育与学校行政原理》
③  罗廷光的《教育行政》
④  蒋维乔、郭秉文的《学校管理法》