Please make your reservation one week ( ).
in addition
in advance
in that
in case
【单选题】 Please, just put your suitcase on the ( )
①  scales
②  weight
③  weigh
④  balance
【判断题】 Such was the case, there were no grounds to justify your complaints.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 4. One more week, ______ we will finish the task.
①  don’t they
②  didn’t they
③  did they
④  do they
【单选题】 4.One more week, ______ we will finish the task.
①  or
②  so that
③  and
④  if
【单选题】 He said that his sister ?[填空]been there one week before
①  had
②  has
③  have
④  will have
【单选题】 We will fly to Guilin, _______ we plan to stay for one week.
①  that
②  where
③  which
【单选题】 Please show your( ) card before entering.
①  identity
②  indentify
③  inendifying
④  identified
【单选题】 May I see your tickets and passports, please?
①  No, you can’t
②  Yes, you can
③  here they are
④  No, they are mine
【判断题】 Would you please brush your tooths now?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 You should have your eyes tested every year in case the ____of your spectacles need changing.
①  lenses
②  glasses
③  sights
④  crystals
【单选题】 妇科检查中下列哪项不正确
①  检查前先排空膀胱
②  未婚女子应做三合诊检查
③  检查时取膀胱截石位
④  男医务人员为病人做妇科检查时,需有其他医护人员在场
【单选题】 显示胎盘尚未剥离的是
①  在趾骨联合上方压子宫下段时脐带回缩
②  阴道少量流血
③  子宫收缩呈球形
④  阴道口外露脐带自行下降延伸
【单选题】 孕42周产妇,给予缩宫素引产3小时后,产妇主诉腹痛难忍。查体:子宫下段压痛明显,伴血尿。诊断先兆子宫破裂。首选的护理措施是
①  陪伴产妇
②  吸氧保暖
③  停缩宫素
④  配血备皮
【单选题】 成年妇女子宫体与子宫颈之比是?
①  4:1
②  3:1
③  2:1
④  1:2
【单选题】 足月产是指在妊娠何时分娩?
①  满37周至不满42周间
②  满38周至不满42周间
③  满28周至不满37周间
④  满36周至不满40周间
【单选题】 陈女士,30 岁,已婚 . 自述停经 50天时确诊为“早孕”,至停经 60 天时, 阴道少量流血2 天 ,现停经3个多月,妇科检查:宫颈光滑,子宫增大如孕 7 周大小,B超检查未见胎心搏动。最大可能为:
①  先兆流产
②  稽留流产
③  难免流产
④  不全流产
【单选题】 正常的胎动是每小时
①  1-2次
②  3-5 次
③  6-8 次
④  9-12 次
【单选题】 产后出血最易发生在产后几小时内?
①  2小时内
②  6小时内
③  12小时内
④  24小时内
【单选题】 产程中观察胎先露下降程度的标志是
①  耻骨联合
②  骶尾关节坐骨结节水平
③  坐骨棘水平
④  坐骨结节水平
【单选题】 产妇于胎盘娩出后,持续阴道出血,检查发现胎盘不完整,首选措施为  
①  按摩子宫
②  宫腔探查
③  监测生命体征,注意观察尿量
④  肌肉注射宫缩剂