He was sentenced to death, because he ( ) the murder.
【单选题】 The young man struggled to _______ where he was at the time the murder took place.
①  reduce
②  respond
③  respond
④  recall
【单选题】 The young man struggled to _______ where he was at the time the murder took place.
①  reflect
②  respond
③  resolve
④  recall
【单选题】 He studied hard in his youth, __________ contributed to his great success in later life.
①  that
②  it
③  what
④  which
【单选题】 Because he hadnt finished his assignment, so he continued working in the classroom. Is this a complete sentence?
①  Yes
②  No
【单选题】 A pen pal provides good motivation for your writing because he or she ____.
①  lives far away from you
②  knows China a lot so that you can have a lot to talk about
③  also keeps a diary
④  may inform you of many interesting things in his or her culture
【单选题】 That young boy couldn’t move because he _______ his leg.
①  breaks
②  broke
③  had broken
【判断题】 A New Zealand man was recently ____sentenced_____ to life imprisonment for the murder of an English tourist, Monica Cantwell.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Bill told me he could not come here because his father was ill. B: [填空]
①  Its good.
②  Thats bad.
③  He is impolite.
④  What a pity!
【单选题】 The eldest child is thoroughly ____ because they always give him whatever he wants.
①  wasted
②  spoiled
③  destroyed
④  uneducated
【判断题】 It was because he was too clumsy to drive a car that Jim hadnt learned to drive.
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 旅行社对分社的管理实行( )
①  统一接待
②  统一财务
③  统一招徕
④  统一人事
⑤  统一咨询
【多选题】 导游概念具有的含义有(  )
①  依法取得导游证
②  安排旅游行程
③  接受旅行社委派
④  提供代理购物
⑤  提供向导讲解服务
【多选题】 根据《中华人民共和国旅游法》,网络经营旅行社业务的条件有( )
①  有开展经营活动的实体门店
②  应当依法取得旅行社业务经营许可
③  有开展经营活动所需要的旅游产品
④  在其网站主页的显著位置标明其业务经营许可信息
⑤  发布旅游经营信息的网站,应当保证其信息真实、准确
【多选题】 下列各项中,属于会计信息使用者的有?
①  投资者
②  债权人
③  企业管理者
④  政府及其相关部门
【多选题】 下列款项中,属于未达款项的有?
①  企业已收账款记账,银行未收款未记账的款项
②  企业已付款记账,银行未付款未记账的款项
③  银行已收账款记账,企业未收款未记账的款项
④  银行已付款记账,企业未收款未记账的款项
【多选题】 下列各项中,属于反映企业财务状况的会计要素有?
①  资产
②  收入
③  所有者权益
④  利润
【多选题】 下列各项中,属于会计信息质量的可比性要求的有?
①  同一企业不同时期可比
②  不同企业相同会计期间可比
③  不同企业不同会计期间可比
④  不同企业相同经济业务可比
【判断题】 在房屋剖面图中,被剖切到的墙、楼梯、各层楼板、休息平台等均使用细实线绘制。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 箍筋一般用 于梁和墙中。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 混凝土是由( )、沙子、( ) 和( ) 按一定例配合,经搅拌、捣实、养护而成的一-种人造石。
①  水泥
②  石子
④  石灰