Humans read constantly in order to obtain the benefits ( ) from reading books.
【单选题】 I haven’t read ____ of his books, but judging from the one I have read I think he’s a very promising writer.
①  any
②  none
③  both
④  either
【判断题】 Jim read books in the study now.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I prefer reading books_______watching TV.
①  than
②  on
③  to
【单选题】 Everyone knows ( ) we should read more books.
①  whether
②  that
③  to
④  which
【单选题】 Due ( ) the emergence of television and the Internet,fewer and fewer people like reading books.
①  with
②  to
③  for
④  in
【单选题】 In the eyes of the author, one should start from ______ in wide reading.
①  interesting materials
②  books with very few pages
③  materials not too difficult
④  both A and C
【单选题】 My tutor ( ) me to take the time to read at least ten books on the list.
①  suggested
②  imagined
③  urged
④  talked
【单选题】 Reading ____ the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.
①  rectifies
②  prolongs
③  minimizes
④  furnishes
【单选题】 For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines: a never-ending flood of words. In getting a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend quickly can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are poor readers. Most of us develop poor reading habits at an early age, and never get over them. The main problem lies in language itself—words. Single words have little meaning until they are combined into phrases, sentences and paragraphs. Unfortunately, however, the untrained reader does not read groups of words. He reads one word at a time, often regressing to reread words or passages. Regression, or looking back over what you have just read, is a common bad habit in reading. Another habit which slows down the speed of reading is vocalization—sounding each word either orally or mentally as one reads. To overcome these bad habits, some reading clinics use a device called accelerator (加速器), which moves a bar down the page at a predetermined speed. The bar is set at a slightly faster rate than the reader finds comfortable, in order to “stretch” him. The accelerator forces the reader to read fast, making word-by-word reading, regression and vocalization virtually impossible. At first, comprehension is sacrificed for speed. But when you learn to read ideas, you will not only read faster, but your comprehension will improve. Many people have found their reading skills improved a lot after some training. How does an accelerator help people to read?
①  It helps people read at a comfortable speed.
②  It makes people stretch their eyes when reading.
③  It forces people to overcome bad reading habits.
④  .It lets people look back over what they have just read
【单选题】 It’s quite different from _____ I read last month.
①  that
②  which
③  the one
④  the one what
【单选题】 在主体对环境的能动适应过程中,同化和调节两种机能活动之间存在着一定的稳定状态,皮亚杰谓之()
①  感应
②  斗争
③  顺应
④  平衡
【单选题】 杜威教学理论的基本原则是()。
①  从做中学
②  从理论中学
③  学思结合
④  学以致用
【单选题】 ()年,北京师范大学教育系学前教育专业恢复本科招生。
①  1968
②  1978
③  2001
④  2003
【单选题】 《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南》的颁布时间为()
①  2001年
②  2003年
③  2010年
④  2012年
【单选题】 以下不属于中国古代家训类作品的是()。
①  《孟母三迁》
②  《诫子书》
③  《颜氏家训》
④  《郑氏规范》
【单选题】 1979年全国人大第五届二次会议通过的《政府工作报告》指出:“要十分重视发展托儿所、(),加强学前教育。”
①  幼儿园
②  学前班
③  亲子园
④  小学
【单选题】 在国家教委等八部委发布的《关于加强幼儿教育工作的意见》中明确指出:“动员和依靠社会各方面力量,通过多种渠道、()发展幼儿教育事业”。
①  多种形式
②  多种体制
③  多种制度
④  多种环境
【判断题】 1963年至1965年间,幼儿师范学校数量也趋于稳定,全国19所左右,人数在5000人左右,这是符合当时国家的经济文化发展水平的。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在贯彻中央调整的方针中,1961年教育部幼儿教育处及幼儿教育教研室均被撤销。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在英国,一旦被师范学校录取,就成为国家公务员并领取工资,这在世界上可谓绝无仅有。
①  正确
②  错误