【单选题】 肾病综合征大量蛋白尿的原因是
①  肾小球滤过率增加
②  血浆胶体渗透压下降
③  肾功能下降
④  尿量增加
⑤  感染
【单选题】 肾病综合征临床表现除外
①  血尿
②  蛋白尿
③  严重水肿
④  低蛋白血症
⑤  高脂血症
【单选题】 肾病综合征包括
①  蛋白尿
②  蛋白尿和高度水肿
③  蛋白尿和高胆固醇血症
④  大量蛋白尿、低蛋白血症、高度水肿和高胆固醇血症
⑤  血尿
【单选题】 低蛋白血症引起水肿的机制是
①  A、毛细血管内压升高
②  B、组织间液的胶体渗透压升高
③  C、血浆胶体渗透压降低
④  D、组织间液的流体静压下降
⑤  E、毛细血管壁通透性升高
【单选题】 肾病综合征最基本的表现是
①  尿蛋白定量 3.5g/24h
②  尿颗粒管型
③  血浆白蛋白
④  高度浮肿
⑤  高脂血症
【单选题】 肾病综合征的主要并发症是
①  慢性肾衰竭
②  动脉粥样硬化
③  血栓及栓塞
④  肝肾综合征
⑤  感染
【单选题】 肾病综合征的主要并发症是
①  感染
②  肾功能不全
③  动脉粥样硬化
④  肾静脉血栓
⑤  下肢静脉血栓
【单选题】 肾病综合征最常见的并发症
①  循环衰竭
②  肾功能不全
③  感染
④  静脉血栓形成
【单选题】 低蛋白血症时,血清清蛋白小于
①  25g/L
②  28g/L
③  30 g/L
④  32 g/L
⑤  35 g/L
【单选题】 患者男性,19岁,因双下肢中度水肿,尿蛋白(+++)入院,查血清蛋白20g/L,诊断肾病综合征。下列哪项是首选的治疗药物
①  环孢素A
②  泼尼松
③  长春新碱
④  安西他滨
⑤  阿霉素
【单选题】 I hate people who ____ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before.
①  reveal
②  rewrite
③  revise
④  reverse
【单选题】 Since the matter was extremely _____, we dealt with it immediately.
①  tough
②  tense
③  urgent
④  instant
【单选题】 As to who is to be hired, it is the Human Resources Department()has the final say.
①  whose
②  those
③  these
④  that
【单选题】 Twenty people were _______ wounded in the air crash.
①  quickly
②  wrongly
③  bitterly
④  seriously
【单选题】 Evidence came up _____ specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.
①  what
②  that
③  which
④  why
【单选题】 As a result of careless washing the jacket _____ to a child’s size.
①  compressed
②  shrank
③  dropped
④  decreased
【单选题】 Two thousand dollars ______ enough for the car.
①  being
②  were
③  are
④  is
【单选题】 Would you like some more coffee? There’s still _______ left.
①  a few
②  few
③  a little
④  1ittle
【单选题】 ____________ I’m 20.
①  How are you?
②  How old are you?
③  Where are you from?
④  May I have your name?
【单选题】 Only when one is ______ of one’s getting behind is one more likely to catch up.
①  critical
②  aware
③  visual
④  effective