【单选题】 33.影响气道非弹性阻力的最主要因素是
①  A、气流类型(层流、湍流)
②  B、气道长度和形态
③  C、气流速
④  D、气道内径
⑤  E、气体的密度
【判断题】 叶片式空气流量计当旁通气道截面积增大时将使混合气变浓
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 气道廓清技术常采用的方法不包括以下哪项()
①  咳嗽
②  经皮神经电刺激
③  主动循环呼吸技术
④  自主引流
⑤  振动
【单选题】 人工气道管理()
①  当患者的气道压较低或自主呼吸较弱以及吸痰时,宜适当增加气囊压
②  当患者体位改变后,宜重新测量气囊压
③  气管插管患者常规执行声门下分泌物引流技术
④  采取半卧位(床头抬高 30°~ 45°)来预防误吸
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 中央气道是指:
①  主气管;
②  左,右主支气管;
③  右中间支气管;
④  以上都是
【单选题】 "形成气道-胸腔胃瘘的相关因素不包括()"
①  " 放疗、化疗
②  肿瘤复发侵袭
③  肺部感染
④  食管反流"
【单选题】 形成气道-胸腔胃瘘的相关因素不包括()
①  放疗、化疗
②  肿瘤复发侵袭
③  肺部感染
④  食管反流
【单选题】 关于气道异物梗阻说法正确的是:
①  就是食物阻塞气管,支气管引起的病变
②  食物或其他物体不慎被吸入气管、支气管所产生的一系列呼吸道症状,阻止空气进入肺部,重者可造成窒息和死亡
③  气道被异物阻塞
④  以上说法都不对
【单选题】 良性中央气道狭窄的病因:
①  先天性;
②  获得性;
③  A加B;
④  医源性
【单选题】 恶性中央气道狭窄的病因:
①  管内性;
②  管壁性;
③  管外性;
④  以上都是
【单选题】 The ____ of beer and alcohol in New Zealand is very high.
①  consumption
②  use
③  drink
④  absorption
【单选题】 The woman murdered her friend and ______ to ______.
①  was sentenced , death
②  sentencing , die
③  sentenced , death
④  sentenced , die
【单选题】 _____ that we couldn’ t catch up with him.
①  So fast he ran
②  So fast did he run
③  So fast ran he
④  Such fast did he run
【单选题】 Their happiness was very ____.
①  crisp
②  brittle
③  delicate
④  fragile
【单选题】 I am ____ grateful for the many kindnesses you have shown my son.
①  excessively
②  much
③  certainly
④  exceedingly
【单选题】 His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ____ of it at all.
①  explanation
②  meaning
③  sense
④  interpretation
【单选题】 Every summer they____ the neighbours at an outdoor party.
①  treat
②  invite
③  devote
④  entertaining
【单选题】 Advertising media like direct mail, radio, television and newspapers ____ to increase the sales of industrial products.
①  have been used
②  will be used
③  is being used
④  has been used
【单选题】 Miss Green was ____ $100 for driving after drinking.
①  fined
②  charged
③  punished
④  posed
【单选题】 Following are comments about the behavior that people in Korea usually expect in various social ____.
①  occasions
②  cases
③  situations
④  circumstances