【单选题】 下列哪个药材不属于茎木类中药
①  大血藤
②  鸡血藤
③  沉香
④  杜仲
【单选题】 韭菜的茎属于()
①  攀缘茎
②  短缩茎
③  匍匐茎
④  半直立茎
【单选题】 白芷根结线虫的发病症状为()。
①  主根上出现根结
②  主根上出现霉状物
③  主根上出现黑斑
④  主根上出现锈状物
【单选题】 葡萄和丝瓜的茎属于( )。
①  攀缘茎
②  缠绕茎
③  匍匐茎
④  平卧茎
【单选题】 葡萄和丝瓜的茎属于( )。
①  攀缘茎
②  缠绕茎
③  匍匐茎
④  平卧茎
【单选题】 茎、叶折断后具有白色胶质丝的科是(      )
①  桔梗科
②  茄科
③  杜仲科
④  蔷薇科
【单选题】 白茅的地下茎属于( )。
①  根状茎
②  球茎
③  块茎
④  鳞茎
【单选题】 白茅的地下茎属于( )。
①  根状茎
②  球茎
③  块茎
④  鳞茎
【判断题】 结核病症状筛查是主动发现肺结核的有效措施。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 植物各器官含镁量不同,什么部位含镁最多,茎叶次之,而根系较少。
①  种子
④  根系
【单选题】 Scarcely ________ in their seats in the cinema when the film began.
①  they had settled
②  settled they had
③  had settled they
④  had they settled
【单选题】 Mywalletisnowheretobefound.I________whenIwasonthebus.
①  musthavedroppedit
②  mustdropit
③  shouldhavedroppedit
④  oughttohavedroppedit
【单选题】 Ihavetwofriendsbut________ofthemlikestogofishingwithme
①  none
②  neither
③  both
④  either
【单选题】 Susan is not very intelligent, ________ work very hard.
①  not does she
②  neither does she
③  or does she
④  either does she
【单选题】 Allthings________,theplannedtriphadtobecalledoff.
①  considered
②  beconsidered
③  considering
④  havingconsidered
【单选题】 Mrs. White became a teacher in 1985. She ________ for twenty years by next summer.
①  willteach
②  wouldhavetaught
③  hasbeenteaching
④  willhavebeenteaching
【单选题】 Theteacher,aswellasallhisstudents,________bythedancer’sperformance.
①  wasimpressed
②  wereimpressed
③  impressed
④  .hadimpressed
【单选题】 Theywillgohomeforwintervacationassoonasthey________theirexams.
①  havefinished
②  willhavefinished
③  willfinish
④  finish
【单选题】 It was in the countryside ________ I spent my childhood.
①  where
②  place
③  when
④  that
【单选题】 When we arrived at the airport, we found our flight ________.
①  cancelled
②  had cancelled
③  had been cancelled
④  has been cancelled