【单选题】 以下不属于绘画工具的是()
①  油画棒
②  节拍器
③  水粉颜料
④  水彩颜料
【单选题】 以下不属于绘画的形式语言的是()
①  线条
②  形状
③  色彩
④  节奏
【单选题】 以下不属于小班幼儿手工活动目标的是( )
①  初步熟悉泥工、纸工等的工具、材料
②  通过玩泥、撕纸等活动,体验手工活动的快乐
③  了解纸的性质
④  能大胆的用纸按意愿撕、剪出各种物体轮廓
【单选题】 以下选项哪种不属于幼儿手工的范畴()
①  绘画
②  剪纸
③  折纸
④  撕纸
【单选题】 以下不属于善举的是()
①  捐赠
②  慈善基金
③  强迫年轻人让座
④  自愿献血
【单选题】 以下不属于仪式的是。( )
①  阅兵式
②  闭幕式
③  问候仪式
④  开幕式
【单选题】 以下不属于电疗的是( )。
①  直流电疗法
②  紫外线疗法
③  高频电疗法
④  低频电疗法
【单选题】 以下不属于糖类的是( )。
①  单糖
②  双糖
③  多糖
④  聚合糖
【单选题】 以下不属于多糖的是?
①  淀粉
②  糖原
③  蔗糖
④  纤维素
【单选题】 以下不属于数据相关的是()。
①  数据的写写相关
②  条件转移指令引起的相关
③  数据的先读后写相关
④  数据的先写后读相关
【单选题】 My son is Andy. My brother’s son is Ben. Andy and Ben are ____.
①  nephews
②  cousins
③  brothers
④  nieces
【单选题】 Education and medical care are very ____ in theUnited States.
①  much
②  cheap
③  many
④  expensive
【单选题】 Since the road is wet this morning, ____ last night. ?
①  it must have rained ?
②  ?it must rain ?
③  it must be raining ?
④  it must have been rained?
【单选题】 The factory is said ____ in a fire two years ago.
①  to have destroyed
②  to be destroyed
③  to destroy
④  to have been destroyed
【单选题】 The prices of the agricultural products have been ____ steadily in the past few years.
①  risen
②  raised
③  arisen
④  aroused
【单选题】 The organization has developed several techniques useful to other groups ____ the similar work.
①  to do
②  do
③  does
④  doing
【单选题】 ____ it is you found, you must give it back to the person it belongs to.
①  That
②  Because
③  Whatever
④  However
【单选题】 If you don’t think it necessary to make ____ any missed lessons, speak up now.
①  up for
②  up with
③  up to
④  away for
【单选题】 No sooner had he sat down to lunch ____ there was a knock at the door.
①  when
②  that
③  as
④  than
【单选题】 When the teacher had ____through with the class, they felt very ashamed.
①  gone
②  got
③  done
④  taken