组织处于公关危机时期适宜采用的公关方式是( )
【多选题】 战略型公关模式有( )
①  建设型公关模式
②  促进型公关模式
③  维系型公关模式
④  防御型公关模式
⑤  宣传型公关
【单选题】 下列属于交际型公关的是( )
①  演讲
②  电子邮件
③  售后服务
④  设立热线电话
【单选题】 建设型公关主要适用于组织发展的( )
①  初创时期
②  顺利发展时期
③  不协调时期
④  严重失调时期
【多选题】 宣传型公关的具体形式有( )
①  发新闻稿
②  公共关系广告
③  印刷内部刊物和资料
④  演讲和表演
⑤  举行会议
【多选题】 公关策略是指组织根据环境的状况及组织自身的变化,所采取的公共关系行为方式。具体而言,公关策略包括以下几种( )
①  建设型公关
②  维系型公关
③  进攻型公关
④  矫正型公关
⑤  防御型公关
【判断题】 ()所谓危机公关也就是公关危机,两者是一回事。
【单选题】 我国政府普遍建立起了信访制度,从公关角度看,它属于下列公关活动业务方式中的( )
①  服务型公关
②  宣传型公关
③  社会活动型公关
④  征询型公关
【单选题】 企业碰到危机时,传统的做法是通过媒体进行危机公关。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 危机公关策划的步骤主要包括()
①  重塑形象
②  建立危机预警系统
③  面临危机的快速应对
④  事后的评估和修正
【判断题】 长期的公关活动适宜选用电子媒介,短期公关活动适宜选用印刷媒介。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I found hard to concentrate.
①  this
②  that
③  it
④  what
【单选题】 Scientists say it may be five or ten years __________ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.
①  since
②  before
③  after
④  when
【单选题】 Most insurance agents would rather you __________ anything about collecting claims until they investigate the situation.
①  don’t do
②  didn’t do
③  would not do
④  do
【单选题】 Kate works _______ she used to.
①  hard than
②  as harder as
③  as hard as
④  more harder than
【单选题】 Nowhere else in the world __________ more attractive scenery than in Switzerlan@@
①  you can find
②  is found
③  can you find
④  has been found
【单选题】 I am going away. or not she will go is up to her to decide.
①  if
②  which
③  whether
④  that
【单选题】 _________ the information about this product, you can contact the sales department of our company.
①  To get
②  Getting
③  Get
④  Got
【单选题】 The morning paper __________ a story about demonstrations in New York and Washington @@@@
①  carried
②  extended
③  brought
④  took
【单选题】 Tom is in favor of going to the movies; Jack insists on playing football.
①  while
②  meanwhile
③  when
④  at the same time
【单选题】 Ever since the Smiths moved to the suburbs a year ago they __________ better health.
①  could have enjoyed
②  had enjoyed
③  have been enjoying
④  are enjoying