【单选题】 苄星青霉素用于治疗
①  大肠杆菌
②  变形杆菌
③  结核杆菌
④  流感杆菌
⑤  β-溶血性链球菌
【单选题】 能引起四环素牙的药物有
①  先锋霉素和四环素
②  土霉素和去甲金霉素
③  青霉素和缩水四环素
④  链霉素和氯霉素
⑤  洁霉素和庆大霉素
【单选题】 容易引起四环素染色牙的药物,不包括()
①  四环素
②  土霉素
③  氯霉素
④  强力霉素
⑤  A+B
【单选题】 使用四环素治疗无效的是( )
【单选题】 四环素用于( )
【单选题】 四环素类作为首选药不用于
①  立克次体病
②  支原体感染
③  衣原体感染
④  布氏杆菌病
⑤  金葡菌所致的急、慢性骨髓炎
【单选题】 对四环素敏感的病原是()。
①  病毒
②  植原体
③  细菌
④  真菌
【单选题】 对四环素的抗菌作用机制是
①  影响胞浆膜的通透性
②  与核糖体30s亚基结合,抑制蛋白质的合成
③  与核糖体50s亚基结合,抑制移位酶的活性
④  与核糖体50s亚基结合,抑制肽酰基转移酶的活性
⑤  特异性抑制依赖于DNA的RNA多聚酶活性
【单选题】 四环素牙主要受累部位是
①  牙髓
②  牙釉质矿化不良
③  牙骨质
④  牙本质
⑤  釉牙本质界
【单选题】 对四环素类抗菌药物过敏的患者慎用的药物是( )
【多选题】 四环素类的不良反应有()
①  A胃肠道反应
②  B神经系统毒性反应
③  C二重感染
④  D影响骨及牙的发育
【单选题】 Five minutes earlier, __________ we could have caught the last train.
①  and
②  or
③  so
④  but
【单选题】 , the sales manager began his report with the statistics of last month’s sales.
①  By now
②  As usual
③  So far
④  At most
【单选题】 Can I help you with your suitcase?
①  I have no idea
②  No, no. I can carry it myself
③  That’s a good idea
④  Thank you. I can manage myself
【单选题】 Please call us for more information as our website is currently construction.
①  under
②  by
③  of
④  with
【单选题】 I don’t expect there any misunderstanding.
①  is
②  to be
③  being
④  will be
【单选题】 They talked in whispers, but still, I couldn’t help but __________ their conversation.
①  overhear
②  to overhear
③  overhearing
④  overheard
【单选题】 Oh, I’m sorry. But I promise I’ll be careful next time.
①  It’s nothing at all
②  Oh, never min
③  It doesn’t matter
④  Thank you
⑤  There are no questions
【单选题】 Not only are cars involved in most of the traffic accidents, but they also __________to the pollution of the air. .
①  contribute
②  promote
③  refer
④  matter
【单选题】 She was __________ a very affectionate person.
①  at heart
②  in person
③  on purpose
④  by nature
【单选题】 The furniture in his room is quite different __________ in yours.
①  from those
②  from that
③  from that one
④  from those ones