CMV 感染的靶器官与( )密切相关
【单选题】 CMV 感染的相关危险因素是( )
①  严重免疫抑制患者
②  CD4+细胞<50/ul的患者
③  既往机会性感染
④  高血浆HIV病毒载量
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 CMV 感染的诊断,错误的是( )
①  CMV血症可通过血清CMV抗体检测测定
②  眼底检查是CMV视网膜炎的诊断依据
③  CMV神经系统疾病诊断有赖于临床症状及脑脊液或脑组织中检测到CMV
④  CMV结肠炎诊断有赖于内镜检查结合结肠镜或结肠活检
⑤  CMV肺炎可见肺间质渗出,肺组织内多个CMV包涵体
【单选题】 下列关于CMV病毒,错误的是
①  轻症时不一定有毛玻璃背景
②  不会出现大量细小的结节
③  属于疱疹类病毒
④  分布广泛
【单选题】 CMV的生物学特点,不正确的是( )
①  属疱疹科、双链线状DNA 病毒
②  具有潜伏-活化的生物学特性
③  在-20℃和真空干燥可长期保存
④  CMV毒力不强
⑤  一旦感染,终身携带
【单选题】 下列哪个靶器官不是黄热病毒感染的靶器官:
①  肝脏
②  肾上腺
③  淋巴结
④  心脏
【单选题】 病毒的感染的传播途径( )
①  呼吸道
②  消化道
③  泌尿生殖道
④  眼及破损的皮肤
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 肠道病毒最常见的感染类型是( )
①  慢性感染
②  隐伏感染
③  隐性感染
④  慢发病毒感染
⑤  急性感染
【单选题】 与肝癌的发生密切相关的病毒是( )
①  HAV
②  HBV
③  HDV
④  HEV
⑤  HIV
【单选题】 肾结核的感染途径多是( )
①  血行感染
②  上行感染
③  淋巴感染
④  直接扩散
⑤  接触感染
【多选题】 针对新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎,与患者密切接触者心态包括()
①  A躲避
②  B不安
③  C等待期的焦虑
④  D盲目勇敢、拒绝防护和居家观察
【判断题】 Single quotation marks are used ot enclose a quotation within a quotation.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Mr. Peterson [] later to be nominated for Chairperson of the Small Enterprise Committee— had been charged with bribery.
①  comma
②  dash
③  brackets
④  semicolon
【单选题】 He wrote a lot of novels, many of [] translated into English.
①  it
②  them
③  which
④  that
【单选题】 He wrote a lot of novels, many of [] were translated into English.
①  it
②  them
③  which
④  that
【单选题】 I had to complete the assignment by Friday [] otherwise, I would have failed the course.
①  comma
②  semicolon
【单选题】 The grass was growing wildly [] but the crop, unfortunately, was dying.
①  comma
②  semicolon
【单选题】 Oil []which is lighter than water, rises to the surface.
①  comma
②  dash
③  brackets
④  semicolon
【单选题】 The house was clean, the table set, and the porch light on [] everything was ready.
①  comma
②  semicolon
【单选题】 Did you know that James Lee [] the novelist and essayist, was also an art critic?
①  comma
②  dash
③  brackets
④  semicolon
【判断题】 No full stop should be used at the end of a title
①  正确
②  错误