【单选题】 2013年3~4月间,我国多地发现人感染H7N9亚型流感病例,这是世界上首次发现由H7N9亚型流感病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病。关于H7N9流感病毒的描述错误的说法是
①  H7N9流感病毒对于鸡属于低致病力病毒
②  H7N9流感病毒对水禽属于低致病力病毒
③  H7N9病毒具有持续人际传播的能力
④  高温煮熟可以杀死H7N9病毒
⑤  H7N9流感病毒来自东亚野鸟和中国鸡群基因重配
【单选题】 关于甲型H1N1流感临床分类处理,不正确的是( )
①  疑似病例:安排单间病室隔离观察,不可多人同室
②  密切接触人群:行甲型H1N1流感病毒特异性检查,及早给予奥司他韦治疗
③  确诊病例:给予奥司他韦治疗。转定点医院,收入甲型H1N1流感病房,可多人同室
④  密切接触人群:7天内曾与甲型H1N1流感疑似或确诊病例密切接触,但无发热,无流感样临床表现,预防性使用奥司他韦(75mg,qd,共7天),医学观察7天
⑤  以上均正确
【单选题】 有关甲型H1N1流感病毒的描述,不正确的是( )
①  病毒对乙醇、碘伏、碘酊敏感
②  对热不敏感,100℃以下均不可灭活
③  甲型H1N1流感病毒为单股负链RNA病毒
④  毒株包含有猪流感、禽流感和人流感三种流感病毒的基因片断,是一种新型变异流感病毒
⑤  以上均正确
【单选题】 关于甲型H1N1流感的治疗,不正确的是( )
①  一般治疗:休息,多饮水,密切观察病情变化,对高热病例可给予退热治疗
②  抗病毒治疗:应及早应用抗病毒药物
③  奥司他韦应尽可能在发热72小时内使用(48小时内最佳),疗程越长越好
④  奥司他韦的成人用法为75mg b.i.d.
⑤  以上均正确
【单选题】 下面不属于甲型H1N1流感的临床表现的是( )
①  潜伏期很长,一般为10~15天
②  流感样临床表现,包括发热、流涕、鼻塞、咽痛、咳嗽、头痛、肌痛、乏力、呕吐或腹泻
③  病情严重者可出现肺炎、心肌炎等呼吸、心脏、神经系统并发症,患者原有的基础疾病亦可加重
④  对这种甲型H1N1流感的临床特点尚待进行进一步观察总结
⑤  以上均属于
【判断题】 1957-1958年的“亚洲流感”由H2N2亚型引起,20-50岁成人罹患率和死亡率高。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 设有定义:intn1=0,n2,*p=&n2,*q=&n1;,以下赋值语句中与n2=n1;语句等价的是()
①  *p=*q;
②  p=q;
③  *p=n1
④  p=*q;
【单选题】 H5N6禽流感的潜伏期是:
①  1周
②  2周
③  3周
④  4周
【单选题】 H5N6禽流感的潜伏期是:
①  1周
②  2周
③  3周
④  4周
【单选题】 关于甲型H1N1流感的其他治疗不正确的是( )
①  对病情严重者(如出现感染中毒性休克合并急性呼吸窘迫综合征),可考虑给予大剂量糖皮质激素
②  合并细菌感染时,给予相应抗菌药物治疗
③  出现低氧或呼吸衰竭的情况,应及时给予相应的治疗措施,包括吸氧、无创机械通气或有创机械通气等
④  出现其他脏器功能损害时,给予相应支持治疗
⑤  以上均正确
【单选题】 Which of the following is depicted as the mythical county in William Faulkners novels?
①  Cambridge
②  Oxford
③  Mississippi
④  Yoknapatawpha
【单选题】 “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” is T. S. Eliots most striking early achievement. The poem is a sort of ______monologue.
①  private
②  personal
③  dramatic
④  poetic
【单选题】 ______ is Edwin Arlington Robinson’s best character sketch telling the story of the well-educated and rich hero who is admired by the town people but suddenly shot himself on one night.
①  “MiniverCheevy”
②  “Richard Cory”
③  “The House on the Hill”
④  None of the above
【判断题】 Mark Twain, one of the greatest 19th century American writers, is well known for his international theme.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 As a realist, Mark Twain concerned particularly about the local character of a region, which came about as “Local Colorism”.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 The first American writer of local color to achieve wide popularity was Bret Harte.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The end of ______ marked the beginning of The Gilded Age, an age of excess and extremes, of decline and progress, of poverty and dazzling wealth, of gloom and hope.
①  the American War of Independence
②  World War I
③  World War II
④  The Civil War
【单选题】 In Henry James’ The Portrait of A Lady, the author tries to portray the young woman as an embodiment of ______.
①  the force of convention
②  the free spirit of the New World
③  the decline of aristocracy
④  the corruption of the newly rich
【单选题】 In his masterpiece The Portrait of A Lady, Henry James _________.
①  incarnates the clash between the Old World and the New in the life journey of an American girl in a European cultural environment
②  tells a story about a young and innocent American confronting the complexity of the European life as well as the American society
③  describes a young American girl who gets “killed” by the winter in Rome
④  tells about some Europeans who learn with difficulty to adapt themselves to the American life
【单选题】 At the middle of 19th century, America witnessed a cultural flowering which is called “_____”.
①  the English Renaissance
②  the Second Renaissance
③  the American Renaissance
④  the Salem Renaissance