【判断题】 配偶、父母、子女、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女为近亲属。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 民法通则中规定的近亲属,包括配偶、父母、子女、兄弟姐妹、祖父 母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 孙子女、外孙子女对祖父母、外祖父母尽赡养义务是有条件的,条件包括?
①  孙子女、外孙子女有由祖父母、外祖父母抚养成人
②  祖父母、外祖父母的子女已经死亡或虽未死亡但无力赡养
③  祖父母、外祖父母无劳动能力和经济来源
④  孙子女、外孙子女有负担能力
【单选题】 根据我国《继承法》规定,祖父母、外祖父母、是孙子女、外孙子女的( )。
①  第一顺序法定继承人
②  第二顺序法定继承人
③  第三顺序法定继承人
④  第四顺序法定继承人
【多选题】 祖父母、外祖父母属于第二顺序继承人,祖父母、外祖父母享有继承权,其继承方式有
①  法定继承
②  遗嘱继承
③  转继承
④  代位继承
【判断题】 配偶、父母、子女和其他共同生活的近亲属为家庭成员。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 以下属于近亲属的是()。。
①  父母
②  子女
③  配偶
④  外祖父母
⑤  孙子女
【判断题】 谋杀祖父母、父母等尊亲属的行为属于不孝
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 一对夫妇与父母、祖父母及子女一起生活的家庭属于下列哪类家庭
①  核心型
②  单身型
③  主干型
④  联合型
⑤  丁克型
【单选题】 ( )是指老年人有依法继承父母、配偶、子女或者其他亲属的遗产的权利。
①  继承权
②  财产所有权
③  老年人的住房权
④  婚姻自由权
【单选题】 A: Hello, Jane, do you still remember you said youd like to see Yao Ming? B: [填空] A: He is here at our university now.
①  Yes, why?
②  Yes, so what?
③  No, I dont.
④  No, I dont like him.
【单选题】 A: I thought you were working until 6:30. B: [填空], but we finished our meeting at 5:30 and were let go.
①  I tried to
②  I hoped so
③  Id love to
④  I was supposed to
【单选题】 A: Robbie, well go fishing soon, and well take your dad with us. B: Im ready, Grandpa. [填空].
①  Enjoy yourselves
②  You name the day
③  You cant miss it
④  Take your time
【单选题】 A: Would you like to go to the cinema? B: If I can finish my homework. A: [填空]
①  Why bother?
②  Oh, come on!
③  Then what?
④  Thanks a lot.
【单选题】 A: Hello, [填空] Can I help you? B: Yes, this is Lin Xiaoyan. Could I speak to Mark Strong, please?
①  Who are you?
②  Whos speaking?
③  Im the secretary.
④  ABHK Bank.
【单选题】 A: Long time no see, Mary. B: [填空] A: OK.
①  Well, how have you been?
②  How do you do?
③  Nice to meet you.
④  Fancy meeting you here.
【单选题】 A: Hi, my name is Lin Xiaoyan. Its nice to meet you. B: Im Jack. [填空]
①  You know?
②  How are you, Lin Xiaoyan?
③  Its pleasure to meet you, Lin Xiaoyan.
④  Youre busy, arent you?
【单选题】 A: Well, its time for us to go. B: [填空].
①  Nice to meet you
②  Have a nice day
③  I wish you a pleasant journey
④  I hope you will soon feel better
【单选题】 A: I need to buy a wedding gift for Jane. B: Should we stop at the shopping center? A: [填空]. The weddings not until next week, but I wont have time later to get them anything.
①  Wont be necessary
②  Its your call
③  I suppose so
④  If you insist
【单选题】 A: Its a long journey. You look tired. [填空]? B: Yes. Could you take that suitcase, please? A: Sure.
①  Wheres your luggage
②  How can I help you
③  Do you mind my help
④  May I help you with anything