【多选题】 ()归根结底是理想信念不坚定。
①  批评与自我批评
②  官僚主义
③  享乐主义
④  形式主义
⑤  奢靡之风
【判断题】 “四风”问题指的是形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和个人主义。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 党的干部要正确行使人民赋予的权力,反对形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风,反对(),反对任何滥用职权、谋求私利的行为。
①  A、铺张浪费
②  B、特权思想和特权现象
③  C、裙带关系
④  D、送礼
【单选题】 共产主义理想的实现,归根结底要依靠
①  科学技术的进步
②  理论创新的推动
③  人民群众的实践
④  伟大人物的指引
【多选题】 形式主义和官僚主义具有()的特征。
①  复杂性
②  短期性
③  顽固性
④  反复性
⑤  长期性
【单选题】 批评与自我批评是我们党的最大优势。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 党的最大政治优势是批评与自我批评。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 社会主义民主归根结底是由社会主义的经济基础决定的。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 提高生产率归根结底是()问题。
①  A、经济
②  B、人才
③  C、政治
④  D、资金
【判断题】 党的二十大报告指出,十年前,党内存在不少对坚持党的领导认识模糊、行动乏力问题,存在不少落实党的领导弱化、虚化、淡化问题,有些党员、干部政治信仰发生动摇,一些地方和部门形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风屡禁不止,特权思想和特权现象较为严重,一些贪腐问题触目惊心。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The teacher asked ______ students to do homework ourselves.
①  the
②  his
③  some
④  us
【单选题】 ______ bad cold she spent the entire day in bed.
①  As if
②  Even though
③  In addition
④  Due to
【单选题】 Modesty helps one to go forward, ______ conceit makes one lag behind.
①  whenever
②  only if
③  whereas
④  consequently
【单选题】 A pen pal provides good motivation for your writing because he or she ____.
①  lives far away from you
②  knows China a lot so that you can have a lot to talk about
③  also keeps a diary
④  may inform you of many interesting things in his or her culture
【单选题】 As for words which do not often occur in everyday situation, you just need to be able to ____.
①  recognize them
②  nod at them
③  concentrate much on them
④  practice using them constantly
【单选题】 According to the text, which of the following is NOT one of the possible activities for you to practice speaking English at school?
①  To talk to native speakers on campus.
②  To speak English to the waitress in English as you pay for a meal in a restaurant.
③  To rehearse aloud by yourself.
④  To talk with your classmates in English.
【单选题】 The place did not seem to be popular, for it was completely deserted, and in any case _____ to traffic.
①  inaccessible
②  inadequate
③  insignificant
④  incompatible
【单选题】 The head of the museum was _____and let us actually examine the ancient manuscripts.
①  promising
②  agreeing
③  pleasing
④  obliging
【单选题】 Lucy,who did not even go to grade school, had no ________of a job at the time.
①  interview
②  pressure
③  prospect
④  application
【单选题】 The lecture provided ____ insight into foreign affairs.
①  penetrating
②  pendular
③  passive
④  penal