【单选题】 上尿路结石的血尿特点是
①  无痛性血尿
②  活动后血尿
③  终末血尿
④  初期血尿
⑤  血尿伴血块
【单选题】 男,30岁,在一次剧烈运动后,复发右腰部绞痛,伴恶心、呕吐,继之出现血尿,右腰部叩击痛,无肌紧张,应考虑
①  肾结核
②  肾肿瘤虚
③  胆结石
④  肾、输尿管结石
【单选题】 输尿管结石发生腰部绞痛的机制是()
①  结石压迫输尿管壁,引起输尿管壁坏死
②  结石合并上尿路感染
③  结石嵌顿引起输尿管黏膜充血水肿
④  结石在输尿管内移动或嵌顿引起输尿管平滑肌痉挛
⑤  以上都不是
【单选题】 下列选项中,哪项不是上尿路结石的临床表现
①  肉眼或镜下血尿或活动后镜下血尿
②  肾区疼痛,肋脊角叩击痛
③  腹部肌紧张,右腹直肌外缘与肋弓交点处压痛
④  腰腹部突发绞痛,如刀割样,剧烈难忍,阵发性发作,并沿输尿管走行放射
⑤  恶心、呕吐,并发感染发热、畏寒、膀胱刺激征
【单选题】 上尿路结石典型的症状是( )
①  血尿+尿痛
②  腰痛+血尿
③  腰痛+脓尿
④  尿频+血尿
⑤  腰痛+尿痛
【单选题】 男性患者,30岁,患输尿管结石收住院。当肾绞痛发作时,最重要的措施是
①  大量饮水
②  应用抗生素
③  解痉止痛
④  准备手术治疗
【单选题】 上尿路结石典型的症状是()
①  尿频+尿痛
②  腰痛+血尿
③  腰痛+脓尿
④  尿频+血尿
⑤  腰痛+无尿
【单选题】 上尿路结石的主要症状是
①  疼痛与血尿
②  排尿困难
③  尿频、尿急
④  尿失禁
⑤  无痛性血尿
【单选题】 肾输尿管结石血尿的特点是()。
①  A.血尿伴排尿困难
②  B.运动后出现腰痛和血尿
③  C.血尿伴膀胱刺激征
④  D.无痛性肉眼血尿
【单选题】 老年人,先有无痛性血尿,后出现膀胱刺激症状,多为( )
①  急性膀胱炎
②  急性肾盂肾炎
③  泌尿系结核
④  膀胱肿瘤
⑤  膀胱结石
【单选题】 It is not a matter of right or wrong, instead it ( )down to a matter of preference.
①  ends
②  results
③  goes
④  comes
【单选题】 She?continued?to( )?her?innocence.
①  assertable
②  assertible
③  asserted
④  assert
【单选题】 His early retirement left him in a ( ).
①  empty
②  vacancy
③  void
④  avoid
【单选题】 Chick peas have a ( ), delicious, and nutty flavour
①  distinction
②  distinctness
③  distinctive
④  distinctively
【单选题】 Their relationship was so ( ) that their life-long work together had to stop.
①  firm
②  frayed
③  friendly
④  fraternal
【单选题】 He was under pressure to resign and was about to be ( ).
①  sidelined
②  sidelines
③  sidelining
④  sideline
【单选题】 The new technology has been ( ) in the industrial production.
①  utilized
②  possessed
③  elevated
④  focused
【单选题】 Not only does Tom attend class regularly, but he also ()in extracurricular activities frequently.
①  participates
②  participate
③  involve
④  involved
【单选题】 It ( ) that the kids had spent the whole day playing games.
①  turned up
②  turned out
③  turned off
④  turned on
【单选题】 The tunnel is one of the biggest engineering projects ever ( ).
①  took
②  taken
③  undertaken
④  undertook