【单选题】 哪项不属于急危重症患者转运特点?
①  病情紧急,评估时间有限,需要在短时间内采取有效的救治措施
②  病情重,转运意外事件及并发症多
③  需要多种生命支持手段
④  具有确定性和可预见性
⑤  病情危急、变化快,具有一定的不确定性和不可预见性
【单选题】 下列不属于重症患者的特征的是:
①  对象:多脏器、多系统病损和障碍共存
②  与康复科的共性:具有特殊技能的全科
③  吸烟喝酒的初期患者
④  运动缺乏的负面影响不可忽视
【单选题】 下列不属于重症康复的基本内容是:
①  呼吸康复
②  营养康复
③  意识/认知康复
④  医保的报销比例
【单选题】 对于需飞沫隔离的患者,下列哪项措施不属于患者管理的措施( )
①  患者宣教(手卫生、呼吸道卫生等)
②  限制患者活动
③  佩戴口罩(病情允许下)
④  手卫生
⑤  患者可自由活动
【单选题】 下列哪项不属于院前急救转运中的重症患者()
①  生命体征不稳定
②  昏迷、躁动
③  四肢闭合性骨折
④  气管内插管
⑤  静脉使用调节血压、心率及呼吸方面药物
【单选题】 危重患者是指生命体征不稳定,病情变化快,()个以上的器官系统功能不稳定、减退或衰竭,病情发展可能会危及到病人生命。
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  4
⑤  5
【单选题】 下列不属于侵犯患者隐私的是:( )
①  医生咨询病情隐私时被候诊患者或他人“旁听”
②  化验单随时公开引出各种有关隐私信息被泄露
③  医学观摩经过患者同意可作为医学示教
④  病案管理人员因工作疏忽造成病案损坏、丢失、被盗而发生的患者隐私泄露
【单选题】 患者出现双眼紧闭、皱眉等表情变化属于几级肌痛
①  0级
②  1级
③  2级
④  3级
【单选题】 我国脑卒中疾病程爆发式增长,下列不属于脑卒中的发病特点是()
①  发病率高
②  复发率高
③  死亡率高
④  致残率高
⑤  知晓率高
【单选题】 当前,重症患者的营养支持首选()
①  静脉营养
②  外周静脉营养
③  肠内营养
④  肠内、肠内肠外联合使用
【单选题】 You should know better than _____your little sister at home by herself.
①  to leave
②  leaving
③  to have left
④  left
【单选题】 The reason that his property was confiscated by the country, it _____, was that he was involved in a lot of fraudulent activities during the war.
①  was turned out
②  was being turned out
③  being turned out
④  turned out
【单选题】 By the end of next month we _____this assignment.
①  will finish
②  will be finishing
③  will have finished
④  have finished
【单选题】 Our teacher recommended that we _____as attentive as possible when we visit the museum.
①  are
②  shall be
③  be
④  were
【单选题】 _____native to North America, corn has now spread all over the world.
①  In spite of
②  That it is
③  It was
④  Although
【单选题】 Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment _____.
①  which they are happening
②  they are happening
③  which they happen
④  they have happened
【单选题】 By the time you graduate, we _____in Australia for one year.
①  will be staying
②  will have stayed
③  would have stayed
④  have stayed
【单选题】 If you want children to work hard you must _____their interests instead of their sense of duty.
①  appeal to
②  look into
③  give rise to
④  go in for
【单选题】 Watch out, the boss is disguised _____ your behavior.
①  to
②  at
③  for
④  with
【单选题】 Classification is a useful _____to the organization of knowledge in any field.
①  means
②  approach
③  mode
④  manner